Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Luckily we have activities like our ward trunk or treat party to dress up and get into the Halloween spirit. And this year is the start of a whole new generation of Schneider family trick or treaters! We were soo lucky to have most of the LA contingent up for a Halloween visit this year - twin turtle power! And soo lucky to have a dead prom queen, a fairy and Indian, a pumpkin patch, Harry Potter and Aaron as himself join in the festivities all the way from Vancouver.
Happy Halloween!
Love Coco
Sunday, October 28, 2007
To Goo or not to Goo, that is the question.

Before Christmas I think it would be wise for us all to consider a new nickname for Goo. Well, perhaps Jord and I are the only ones still calling Goo, Goo. If that is the case then please just let us know what everyone else is using and we will follow suit. If that is not the case then let's have a blog brainstorm and then either vote on the names submitted or have Goo declare what the new nickname will be.

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted, but here is some recent interesting news for all you footie fans ...
As the Premier League has become one of the most successful leagues in the world, it has also attracted an increasing number of talented players from all over the world, especially in the last few years.
The global popularity of the English league also means that English clubs can now afford the world's best who want to come to the
(Spanish player Fernando Torres is one of the many new
foreign players Liverpool has added to its squad this season)
But this increase of players from all over the world has also been a subject of controversy lately.
He was quoted as saying “You have the biggest economical power, and that means you attract the best players in the world. But if the best English players play with the best world-class players, then they will be even better and develop quicker."
I think the same has also been said about Chelsea and its players, who are now making progress up the league table after some pretty disastrous results following Mourinho’s departure mentioned in my last blog - I’ve heard people say that English players like Frank Lampard have actually improved quite a bit since the club started importing other good players from all over. But as of yesterday Arsenal has been top of the table and in very good form, so we’ll see if this limit on non-English players actually materialises, but it looks unlikely at the moment.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Hallowe'en!

After visiting the boys' cousin Liam (and his parents of course!) I was impressed that Jamie took her little guy so often to the photo studio to get his picture taken. They really turned out so much nicer than the ones that I take at home. As I read all the adverts about how they grow so fast and you want to capture them at each stage before it's gone forever I became wistful. So when I got home and saw a Hallowe'en coupon from Picture People and I also glanced over at the boys' as yet unworn cute turtle costumes from Children's Place, I decided I better carpe the diem.
When we got to Picture People told the photolady I just wanted a shot where both boys were looking at the camera and smiling- no fancy poses. I guess I thought I'd sit back a little and let the photographer do her thing. Well, it wasn't working out so well- the photographer took the photos, of course, but I became much more involved than I was expecting! I kept running up to the boys and putting them in place next to each other, and then running back behind the photographer and making googly faces and noises to get them to look at me. We had been at it for awhile and I must have been looking really disshevelled and just sort of panting there because she said that she thought we were good. I said- no way! I haven't gotten my picture yet! Luckily after just a few more minutes we got the winning shot. It was a good thing I had made us keep going because out of the whole lot I only got one where both boys were looking at the camera and smiling. Phewsh- close one. Moral of the story: it's much easier at these things with one baby- or two adults. And no head items. :D
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I've got my sack in my pack, I've got my pack on my back, today's the day I'm going camping....

The reason we could not complete the set up, aside from our extreme exhaustion and our tired little children, was because the battery in our car died and then all of the lights in our car went out as well. We were left completely in the dark to lay down our bedding, find our pj's and put our little ones to sleep. The children (whom we bundled in a ton of clothes and settled in cozy blankets) slept beautifully, unlike the rest of us who tossed and turned on a hard ground and felt wet tent flapping on our backs. I won't continue in describing the misery that our night was. Let me just say that around 4 a.m. I quietly moaned to Jordan, "I just want the sun to come, I just want this night to end." Well, there is a very happy ending to this story.....the sun came up!!! The night ended, our children were unharmed and we were able to get our car running again. My ultimate moment of triumph was when I walked through those beautiful temple doors. As I walked in, all my stress and unhappiness immediately melted away and I was filled with an intensely calm and peaceful bliss. I was so happy to be in that spiritual and physical haven my eyes filled with tears. A kind woman showed me to where I needed to go and in an attempt to explain my moist eyes, I said to her "I'm just so happy that I'm finally here."

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Pumpkin Patch!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Luddite reflections at work
Luv, Grampa
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mischief Makers
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
the party is so over

It has been noted in recent weeks that a level of disruption unlike any other has descended upon the Puente household. While initially the dissemblement of pots, pans and other sundry items was met with tolerance and even encouragement, the frequency of such disruptions and disorderly behavior has risen so sharply as to really get on the nerves of the household's adult tenants. After much perusing of used baby items advertisements and a long drive to Torrance, relief may be at hand. As of September 29, 2006 the first gate was erected in the Puente home to prevent entry into what will be hereafter referred to as 'the kitchen.' The purpose of the blockade is to attempt to restore some semblance of order, and recover what precious little sanity remains.

Initially the disturbers were quite agitated about the inaccessibility into 'the kitchen' (aka their playroom), but they gradually got used to the idea and now use the blockade as a launching point to practice their walking.
Monday, October 1, 2007

On Sunday I was called as 1st counsellor in Young Womens!!!!!! The exclamation marks I added are deliberate and sincere. I am sooooo excited about the calling. I absolutely love working in Young Womens. (I know Coleen knows how sad I am that I wasn't called into primary) Anyways, first order of business is planning the YW in Excellence evening - if any of you have some good ideas I'd love to hear them.