Happy Boxing Day! Even though it's a Canadian holiday and we are in Seattle, I always like to remember and observe this day if possible. This year, Mom and I got in on some Boxing Day sales! Although they don't call it Boxing Day here, they essentially celebrate it by having after- Christmas sales at the mall. Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy Boxing Day!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Boxing Day!!!
Happy Boxing Day! Even though it's a Canadian holiday and we are in Seattle, I always like to remember and observe this day if possible. This year, Mom and I got in on some Boxing Day sales! Although they don't call it Boxing Day here, they essentially celebrate it by having after- Christmas sales at the mall. Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy Boxing Day!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Temple Time

We have had such a fun time here in Utah for Christmas. Yesterday it was delightful to take in the gorgeous Christmas lights that completely covered the trees on temple square! We were there with Spencer's parents and our neice and nephew who are 11 and 9. Our 9 year old nephew is a very active lad and he was climbing around a little and keeping things interesting by walking in a squatting position as 'mini man.' Haha... We had a nice time there sipping the hot chocolate and admiring the various nativity scenes.
My favorite moment was as we looked at the statues of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus who were on little stands atop the reflective pool in front of the temple. It was touching to see this image there in front of the temple that is such a symbol and reminder of the blessings our church brings, and of what Christ has done for us. There was a nice spirit there.
I was expecting to hear some carollers or singing. Although there was nice recorded music, we didnt hear singing so I started singing myself, but then we heard something that definitely at least ties with carollers: a carolling bag piper! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One of my favorite holiday traditions involves the watching of "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with my friends. This tradition goes all the way back to 1994, which for some readers may not sound that impressive. However, this was started when we were in the 7th grade. At least 2 of us have gotten together every year to watch this movie, including when most of us were serving missions.
Holiday traditions are great to bring together family and friends and to establish a common link that may have been blurred by time and distance. Watching it last night with my friends brought back great memories.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fancy New Places for Kinders

The other day I brought in a deck of flash cards for my students. Now they're the new hit! These aren't 'Addition' or 'Subtraction' cards. I decided to spice things up between the phonics and math lessons, and grabbed my 'Explore Landmarks' set- I just snagged them from the Target Dollar Bin without much forethought... but my students ate them up!
These pictures and the information about the landmarks has added a spark of curiosity about the world that I love to see from these fresh minds. I adore how everything I offer them is so new and exciting because they're lil Kinders! This was a reminder of that. I wont be with this group in the new year, but it was fun teaching them while I did!
The Moai Monoliths off the coast of Chile were their faves.
.... Spence and I saw replicas of these at the Easter Island exhibit in another polynesian land last year- Hawaii!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Char!!!!!

Happy happy happy birthday! Char, we are so glad to have you in the family. Here are some nice things we would like to say to you :)
Grampa: Charla, Time to celebrate another birthday. I love that you like to look at the big picture and then look for deeper meanings in the big picture.
Nana: I love how you can make a party from any event and from any thing you have on hand. I love your enthusiasm and your infectious energy -Even when you're running on empty it's there! And I so love your infinite supplies of quotes and sayings and philosophies for any occasion.
Ian: I love Charla's ability to be both incredibly fun and totally earnest at the same time. A very difficult balance to strike, but she manages it admirably!
Melissa: Charla, I love your sense of adventure, your deep and sincere desire to do whatever you can to love and help others and your beautiful sense of humour. I also love your blog!
Jord: You are an amazing wife and mother! Thank you so much for all the hard work that you've done since this last pregnancy and here's hoping that the next few months until the end of the pregnancy will run as smooth as ever.
Linds: What I love about Char is that she has so much joy for life. She pulls so much out of every moment and appreciates the beauty of what's around her, like music and scents for example. She shows her exuberance and love of being in the moment.
Spencer: I love Charla's enthusiasm for her family and children and how she shows this love on her blog!
Rico: What I like about Charla is that she is a great listener who genuinely cares about what you are saying. And she will also provide a cool insight of her own. Plus she is fun to be around.
Wooz: Charla, you are always really fun to talk to (I wish we could more often) and I think it's awesome how many cool things you've managed to do with your life so far. And I definitely love all your life insights! You're amazing!
I hope you manage to take some time for yourself on your special day, because you are awesome and you deserve it! Here's to a fabulous day!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
We need your votes!!!
Oliver's school has entered a competition to get grant money for an outdoor courtyard classroom from the Aviva Community Fund.
His school has made it into the semi-finals and they need as many votes as they can get in order to move to the next round, so if everyone could spare 2 mins to initially register and then about 30 secs for each subsequent vote then that would greatly help their cause as they are currently trailing some of the other semi-finalists in its category by only a few votes!
Anyone can vote online - you just need to register first by providing an email and a password and then after that you are allowed to vote 1X per day until the voting ends on Dec 16.
You just need to go to
Thanks for your help!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Bonbons at 21!!

We thought it would be fun to pool together our top 'what we like about Rach' thoughts. Here they are, with our love and wishes for a happy 21st birthday to one of the best sisters/ daughters ever!!!
One of Rach's high school friends nicknamed her "bonbons" and I've always thought that was a perfect nickname for her.
You are very fun and you make us all feel good when you are around. You've always been very determined and have a good sense of what you want to do with your life. Happy Birthday to a very fun and talented girl!
One of the thousand things I like about you is the way you mix 'mellow' and 'determined'. Not a whole lot of people know that under your kind, calm and easy-going exterior is this amazingly focused, ambitious, uber-smart person.
Another thing I like about you is that you're not afraid to try anything! Like a hum bow at Pike Place or a black diamond ski slope or a trip to somewhere you haven't been.
And I like your smile so much.
Rachel you are kind to the core. We love your sweet smile and gentleness. Thanks for being you!
Rachel has, as long as I've known her, a really strong sense of confidence and self-assuredness that I find admirable. I don't have a memory from this year, but her busking is a good example of that.
What I really like about Rachel is her ability to connect with so many people. She can navigate her way through the social jungle quite easily. I also admire her for her ability to listen and to stay low-key and relaxed, but yet still showing a caring attitude.
Woozie has always been considerate and willing to help us in many different ways, she is generous and always willing to share her talents and it is always a treat to listen to her on the violin.
I'm glad Rachel is my little sister because she is lots of fun. As a younger sibling she is not needy of her older sibling’s attention like I was. She is very motivated to succeed but also knows how to relax and is mindful of others in a refreshingly supportive but non-aggressive kind of way. She is a great example for all of us. Best younger sister ever!!
I like that Rachel added Metascience to her list of interests on facebook.
Rach has such an enthusiastic spirit and great running abilities!
I love that you’re so sociable and fun, Rach! Even as a newby here in LA last summer it was cool to see you put a party together for Canada Day. I was proud of you for being so bold, even though you could have easily made the excuse that you didn’t know many people yet. (When Rach gets an idea in her head there’s no stopping her!) It was also fabulous to hear about your adventures as a volunteer at Cedar Sinai and see you work towards your goal while balancing that with making friends. You are also so supportive of others reaching their goals. I love your spunk and fun loving spirit!
Rach you are a treat to have in our family. Your rare ability to find fun in the run of work and achievement will continue to bring great joy and a sense of pride from yourself and all of us! Have the best birthday imaginable!
Love, us.
Monday, November 28, 2011
We're having a baby.....

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Christmas is here again (almost.)
Christmas is my favorite time of year. A season where I truly do feel a stonger desire to give, a time when we remember Christ our Saviour's birth. It's such a magical time and special time and family time and fun time. People seem more friendly, the season is fresh and (a little rainy here I guess.)
Yesterday I pulled out all our decorations and Spence and I watched the good ol' classic, 'A Christmas Story.' I especially love the way this movie feels so Christmasy with the snow and the fun family dynamics and the traditions. The school scenes with Ralphie writing his 'Theme' about what he wants for Christmas especially cracked me up this year since I am working with similar aged kids.
Anyway, it's so delightful that Christmas is just a few weeks away. So I wanted to share a few Christmas-y corners (and stock pic of lights on a tree) here- these hopefully bring a smile to your face like they do to mine.

This nativity scene helps me remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Movember Cont.

I'm hoping to raise $500 right now I am at $260 so I need some help. The deadline is Nov. 30. In case I didn't already tell you I am doing it because a friend of mine who lost his grandpa to prostate cancer asked me to join his fund raising team and I agreed. The money donated goes to cancer research for men particularly prostate cancer. Movember leads to some nasty facial hair but it is for a good cause. Here is the link I hope you enjoy the photos and like I said this is the last time unless someone really wants to see another look alike picture ...... Once again thank you to all who have already donated. Follow this link and it will allow you to make a donation by credit card. Thanks guys!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Breaking Dawn

I have been a Twilight fan from the getgo. I first heard about these books as i was walking out of a party a few years ago. A friend mentioned how a vampire's in love with a human and he wants to suck her blood... curious. But then my coworker was reading them, and couldnt put them down! Finally I thought,'ive got to check these out!' I went to the store and got a copy of the first book. Then I became the person who couldnt put them down!
So I was excited to watch the next installment with a classmate this weekend. It's getting more interesting as the stakes are raised and Bella enters deeper into the vampire world. I think the story is so fascinating! Yea, it's a simple read and there's not TOO much in terms of writing form and style, but I think there are interesting themes and emotions in these books and movies. For example, Bella and her transition to a new place and group of people, Jacob and his unrequited love for her, Edward and how he's made the most of beign a vampire and tries to be good... The situations are impossible, but the feelings taht stand with such life transitions and choices remain. I think the Jacob character is especialy interesting in this respect. He has to honor Bella's choice of husband even though it breaks his heart. Although we dont choose whether to marry a vampire, we do face loss, struggle, balance between what we want and what others want, connecting with family... and using our talents - the vampires have interesting gifts. Anyway, I thought the Twilight books were an enjoyable read and I equally enjoyed the movie.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
One Year Ago

One year ago, I joined this great family by marrying the love of my life. It's been a great year and I've loved becoming a member of this family. I'll go ahead and play favorites (Lindsay wins, of course!) but everyone's been great and extremely welcoming. Looking forward to continue to get to know everyone (Lindsay included) and wish everyone a Happy (United States) Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Quarters and States
This wasn't enough for me though. When I first started, I wanted to collect an entire roll (40 quarters, or $10) per state. I quickly realized that this would take forever, so I downsized my goal to collect one roll per year, or 8 per state. I also wanted to collect an entire roll of the bicentennial design that came out in 1976. Over the past few days, I finished my goal:
So what's next? Well, they're continuing the program using US Territories, then National Parks, so my collecting days will continue. By luck of the draw, when we went to get quarters for laundry a few days ago, I got an entire roll of the Gettysburg National Park, allowing me to complete that particular one very quickly. But it's nice to be finished with the initial goal.
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Here at BYU people like make a big deal out of Halloween, and generally people have celebrations the whole weekend before Halloween. Both Rico and I were fortunate enough to go to one such celebration, a dance party hosted in part by Rico's roommate Kevin. Here's a picture of us afterwards! I was an 80's Barbie and Rico was the sheriff from the show "Walking Dead," he could probably tell you more about it. Sydney was a medieval princess if you can't guess! Anyway, it was a lot of fun dressing up. Happy Halloween, hope you all have a fabulously scary day tomorrow!
Trunk or Treat
Dad and I are on Mercer Island right now and last night was one of our favorite nights of the year - the famous MI Ward Trunk or Treat Party. It's where the whole ward shows up in costume and eats Halloween food and plays games and then goes outside to pass out candies from their decorated car trunks to all the little trick or treaters.
For Halloween junkies like myself it's a night to look forward to. One year John went as Darth Maul and Rico as the young Obi-Wan. They tried to talk Rach into going as Princess Amidala but she refused and went as a hippie instead. She regrets that decision to this day :) BTW - all the little kids were deathly afraid of Darth Maul so they had a hard time taking candy from him. So John and Rico had to eat it all. And the year Rico went as 'Rico' was another very memorable Trunk or Treat.
For the last - I swear - TEN YEARS!! - I've either been in charge of this fabulous evening of entertainment or at least a major part of it. It's always an unbelievable amount of work organizing food, games, decorations publicity, etc for a party for 100. So it felt sooo good last night showing up with only one little assignment - and that was to bring our big black plastic cauldron to use as a punch bowl. It was a really relaxing evening!
Friday, October 28, 2011
I'm Blind! I'm Deaf! I Wanna be a Ref!
Julian and Caleb have started playing soccer for AYSO. One of the requirements for each team is that they help provide volunteer referees for the games. At Ian's suggestion, I decided to get back into the refereeing game; not only for Julian and Caleb, but at the higher levels as well.
Here's me in my referee uniform. Lindsay says I look handsome. You be the judge, but remember that her opinion holds much more weight in my mind ;)
Here's me in action. Julian's admiring my amazing skills here too!
FYI, the post title is a soccer chant when a call goes against the home team.
Pumkin Craft!
With Pumpkin time upon us I couldnt resist sharing this way cool craft that's fun for any age. My lead teacher taught this with our 2nd graders and I thought it looked so fun that I made one too! And when that wasn't enough, I also tried it with my Kinders in the afternoon. It is so fun!
Here's a link to copy into your browser for clear instructions. It talks about symetrical faces in general though-
So I posted this pic (above) of what it can look like as a pumpkin! You can do any shape for the whole pumpkin and the eyes, mouth and nose!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Autumn Golf

Anne with an e
As for the books, they still beat out the series- which is my usual vote: the book over the movie. They can just fit in so much more description and the thoughts the characters have. I love these books. I love Anne's character. She's so colorful -I love her obsession with puffed sleeves, and she has such a huge heart. The stories are littered with times when she helps others regardless of the huge sacrifices required. I love it when she gives a friend a day off from watching her invalid Mother, loans her a dress and everything, allowing her to attend a friend's anniversary celebration...
There's one quote that I like and that reminded me of the discussion we had at our recent book club. We were talking about Aron Ralston- the guy who amputated his arm to get out of a rock and a hard place- the book '127 Hours'- he sorta let his passion for hiking run wild- without taking precautions, and found himself stuck in a tough predicament. Anne says to her daughter in the last book, 'my dear foolish dear, an imagination is a wonderful thing to have. But like every gift we must possess it and not let it possess us.' Anyway, there's Anne. A nice, fun, and calming read, even better than the TV series.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Death by Chocolate

Just wanted to share the ridiculous chocolate cake I made last night. I promised some people in my ward and someone that I work with that I would make this cake I found for them. It was really fun to make! One piece pretty much had you knocked out by too much richness though! The fun thing about it is that you can kind of do whatever you want to make it as chocolatey as possible. Linds, I bet you especially would like this cake!
http://artofdessert.blogspot.com/2011/10/chocolate-wasted-cake.html Here's the link to the recipe if any of you are so inclined to try it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011
I Speak No English - Kids In The Hall
Sometimes, when life is tough, and smiles aren't easy - sometimes, comedy shows help.
Kids in the Hall - Potato Salad
I've always been puzzled by this skit. Puzzled, yet strangely amused at the same time.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Books Books Books
I have always loved the notebook section of any place, particularly Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters.
Here are the fruits of my first few dabblings: Picture one is a paper book with fabric slip cover... I wanted to compile my nice notes from my bridal brunch!
The second and third 'books' are paper cover books, the smaller one is done by folding the paper a certain way into 8 sections, one cut, and adjusting the folds to make pages with one sheet of paper and no staples.
I think I will go put some kind of book together now!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Pain heals...
I dodged the 1st defender with a spin move (spinning makes it really hard for the defender to pull your flag), made the second guy miss by cutting back, then came the next defender. I went for the spin move again, but we bumped heads or something and down I went. I put my hand to my eyebrow and it came back with blood on it. That, combined with the pain, led me to think that something went wrong with that spin move.
As it turns out, when we collided, my glasses got pushed up and the top of the frame cut into my face between the eye and the eyebrow. Needless to say, I was done playing. Off I went to the Urgent Care facility (kinda between the doctors office and the ER since it was a Saturday) and they patched me right up. They used medical superglue to close the cut (it wasn't bleeding anymore) and sent me on my way. Though the joke is that we should've had the Elder's Quorum do it since it was just superglue.
I have a picture of what it looked like, but seeing this is a family blog I won't post it. If you're interested, I'll email it to you. Lindsay says it looks like Halloween makeup, except it's real. Be careful when you're out and about, that's for sure.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mt. Timpanogos
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Last First Day of School?
It was very sad that I couldn't enjoy the moment because I had a 9am class and I was running late. But well I was trying to cover the 35min walk in about 20min I was thinking about one of my favorite family memories when there were a few years when all the kids were together for their blessings before school and Melissa would go first then Jordan and so forth all the way down to Woozie. I didn't really realize the significance of that moment now that we are all spread out and rarely able to get all together but I remember thinking how I had so many people that were looking out for me and knowing there really wasn't any need to be worried about anything. I also remember the suckiness of thinking about school again, as the not so enthusiastic first day photos that Mom always insisted taking will attest too, but now that my last first day, for Grade 19, has come and gone it was a very nostalgic moment. I hope the boys have enjoyed their 1st first day of school.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Cameron (my friend that I've known since kindergarten) came down from Salt Lake to join in the festivities. Scott (another of "The Brethren") lives down here in LA and went to USC, so he joined us as well:
We had decent seats and were treated to a very exciting game!
Even though the final score wasn't what we'd hoped (Utah lost, though it took several hours and a officials conference to determine the final score; I can fill you in on the specifics if you want) we still had a lot of fun at the game.
And since it's Rivalry Week, let me leave you with the advice of President Monson: