I've had the amazing opportunity to take a human dissection class this spring term. "Gross!" you might say. Let me tell you why it is one of the best classes I've ever taken.
I get the chance to learn things about the human body that I would otherwise never be able to see. Whether I am skinning, separating muscles, cleaning up specimens, or doing a tricky eye dissection, I am learning so much. I am continually amazed at the incredible things our bodies can do. They were truly designed by the best creator. It is a spiritual experience every day, and I honestly feel my testimony growing stronger. The human body is one of the best testaments to God's creation that I have ever seen. And I can't help but think that the spirits of the people we are dissecting are often there around us, checking in on their bodies that they will eventually be reunited with, restored in their perfect forms. We can't take pictures for obvious reasons, but I just wanted to tell everyone about this class and why I love it.