Staches have a treasured history in our family. Dad sported one for many years. The day he shaved it off around 1994 or so it was like a part of the family died. 5 year old Woozie Schnitzel was inconsolable she cried and cried and demanded to know what this strange clean shaven man had done with her father. The crying went on for hours and since that day the Schneider men have generally refrained from rocking the stache on the upper lip ............... until now!
So each year for the month of November some men grow moustaches. It began in Australia about 10 years ago as an effort to raise money for men's health issues. Some do it for fun and others do it to raise funds. This year me and a group of friends are doing it to raise funds. Some of you have asked me about the lip worm creeping along my upper lip so now you know, I'm not doing it to be stylish (although that is certainly a beneficial byproduct, see picture above) I'm part of a movember fundraising team.
The funds are used for research mainly for prostate and testicular cancer but also for other men's health issues, such as depression which is on the rise among young men. The stats are pretty disconcerting 1 in 7 men get prostate cancer and 1 in 28 die from it. 60+ year old men have the greatest risk.
It's not very big in the States but in Canada it's pretty popular with lots of radio DJ's, hockey players and other celebrities participating. Now if you see a non-police officer or non-airline pilot with a stache you now why ...... they may be doing a Tom Sellick impersonation (see picture above) or making their best attempts at stlying but more likely they are participating in Movember. Especially if they appear normal in every other regard ie) they aren't a single dude who drives a mini van with tinted windows, they don't have long greasy hair, they don't play video games for days at a time and forget to shave their face etc.
Last year a little over $22 million was raised worldwide. Right now our team is at $1,550 and we're hoping to get to at least $3,000 by the end of the month. Please donate here's the link
http://ca.movember.com/mospace/2548960/ for my mospace page. I will provide pictures of the luscious stache, push broom, savour flavour, mo whatever you want to call it once I have something that I'm comfortable going cyber with (probably a couple of days). But I won't post any pictures unless there is at least $20 donated to my mospace page so hopefully somebody puts in at least $10 (Haha I'm donating $10 right now so that means somebody else needs to donate at least another $10, even if you only want to donate $1 that's cool). I'm pretty sure the more money that goes to my mospace page the faster my moustache will grow too so maybe I can get one that rivals Dad's stache from the early 90s! Don't worry wooz my stache is pretty pathetic compared to Dad's so I'm pretty sure you will be able to recognize me!