Spencer texted me yesterday afternoon to see about getting to IMPROV-A-GANZA!! He'd just read that it was in LA that night!
I met Spence there, as it turned out, because traffic was... well... LA and I didnt leave early enough and at least one person from your group had to get there way ahead for reserved seats. But once we were there, it was just delightful to enjoy some dinner together in the restaurant area...
We finished up and headed down some stairs... there was Drew Carey! He was chatting with a few people. So cool! We figured we should try to get a picture. It wasn't too hard because he was really quite nice. As we asked about the picture he's like, 'I'm Drew,' and then shook Spencer's hand, then mine as I said, 'Lindsay.' Haha... I guess you forget to introduce yourself to someone you 'know,' right? Anyway, we got the picture and Spence's eyes are even open!

After this excitement we showed our tickets and were let into the theater. We had AWESOME seats! Right up at the front! There were lots of little tables so we were close to others watching which made it funny when we were all laughing so hard.
Drew Carey came out and introduced the show. It was neat to hear more from him. He was funny and energetic and looked just like I remember from TV except he's lost weight. He talked about this and that... about how it's impossible to hide a break up these days - facebook is bad enough, but for someone like him it's like, he might as well hire a marching band!! I guess he'd broken up with his GF that day.
then he introduced the cast!
The scenes they did were absolutely HILARIOUS!!! In one, two audience members were chosen to come up and make the sound effects. In another they had a long time married couple come up and talk about their first date.
Drew Carey and an actress acted it out and the real couple had to ding a bell if they got it right and toot a horn if not. SOOOO funny, because sometimes you heard the bell from one person and the horn from the other as the scene progressed.
One of my faves was a scene of two people pretending they were on the set of a soap opera. They had to randomly pull out lines written down on slips of paper by us audience members. The punch line/end was one Spence wrote... 'We're going to Disneyland!!'
We also loved it when they did 'worst professionals.' They imitated bad scuba instructors, psychologists, and teachers too-- (with things like, 'you don't need to learn this!! you dont need to learn anything!' or 'i hate kids!') I suggested 'Forensic Accountant, ' and it was so funny to see what they came up with. Drew pretended to be blind, another actor came up and counted... 'One, Two, Three, Four dead bodies...'
Hilarious!!!!! I love that Spence found this online and we made the drive and laughed away! It was fun to chat with the audience members after too (and actors a little,) because we'd learned a little about them along the way!
Love you, Spence!