Friday, August 31, 2012
You know the saying, "Once in a Blue Moon"? Well I knew that it meant some kind of rare event and yesterday I found out why...
My friend texted me last night to ask if I'd seen the blue moon. So Rico and I went outside to take a look. There was a pale yellow fullish moon obscured by clouds and Rico said, it doesn't look very blue and I said, well you know the clouds make it look kind of blueiesh. But then I thought, wait a minute - he's right! So I looked up 'blue moon' and this is what I found:
In recent decades many people have begun using the term 'Blue Moon' to describe the second full moon in a calendar month.
It's very rare that two occur in one calendar month.
My friend texted me a few minutes later to say whoops! - blue moon is actually Friday - tonight!
Hope you can enjoy the 'blue moon' tonight! You won't see another one until 2015.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The other day I saw Benjamin picking his nose. This is not like sighting an endangered species, Ben picks his nose everyday. However, that day, I decided to go beyond my usual "Ben don't pick your nose" line and have a little chat with both the boys about picking their noses. I explained "guys, you can't pick your nose because if other little kids see you they will tease you, like they might make fun of you and say 'eewww you're groooosssss'."
Ben laughed at this and seemed to think it was a pretty clever taunt because he said enthusiastically "ha ha, I'm going to say that too: EEEWWWW YOU'RE GROOOSSSSSS." He kept saying it as though practising for a hoped opportunity to make fun of some other kid.
I try my best, that's all I can say.
Ben laughed at this and seemed to think it was a pretty clever taunt because he said enthusiastically "ha ha, I'm going to say that too: EEEWWWW YOU'RE GROOOSSSSSS." He kept saying it as though practising for a hoped opportunity to make fun of some other kid.
Have you met me?
Good memories of great Italian food thanks to John and Christa followed by Community thanks to David.
Rachel and David - it was great having you guys in Edmonton for a while!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Thanks Uncle Spencer
Spencer wrote last year about his rekindling of the referee flame. I just wanted to add a small note on that front. I received this email from the commissioner this week:
Dear Coach Puente,
I just wanted to let you know that your teams are good for refs in both BU5 and BU7. You have two new volunteers in your BU5 team who I will try and convince to take the class, however having Spencer linked to your teams (which I just did) gives you a get-out-of-jail card - he is one of our very best refs and counts as two all on his own. I will continue to hound the extra volunteers to sign up for the class, because we always need new refs, but your teams are safe.
Cheers indeed! Coaching two teams is daunting, but luckily I have a strong supporter in Uncle Spencer. Thanks! I think the note says a lot about him and what a great contributor he is to the family.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Robot & Frank
I don't usually take time here to shill for my work related projects, but I'm very partial to this film. I have had a pretty active role in helping to acquire this project out of Sundance (the first time my Utah contacts have actually given me a competitive advantage as we were able to see the film the night before almost all the other companies). Its in limited release in New York right now, but will be expanding to multiple markets over the coming weeks. I can totally recommend this one without reservation.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
So I was taking a look at Facebook a few days ago and I found a picture posted by one of my friends which depicted the latest and greatest adrenaline rush: Extreme Ironing. The goal is to successfully iron an article of clothing in extreme conditions. A quick Google search turned up the following locations:
While Riding a Bike
While Hangliding
While BASE jumping off a mountain
And there are many other locations that are just a Google search away.
I'm not sure any of the people reading would want to iron a shirt in such extreme conditions, just to say you've done it. However, while reading a little more about it on Wikipedia, they linked to something that a certain reader of this blog may want to participate in:
Extreme Cello.
Playing the cello in an unusual location, such at the top of a mountain or cathedral. The founders of Extreme Celloing in England did the London Marathon while carrying their cellos (doing it as a charity fundraiser). Might they be looking for a partner in the New World?
While Riding a Bike
While Hangliding
While BASE jumping off a mountain
And there are many other locations that are just a Google search away.
I'm not sure any of the people reading would want to iron a shirt in such extreme conditions, just to say you've done it. However, while reading a little more about it on Wikipedia, they linked to something that a certain reader of this blog may want to participate in:
Extreme Cello.
Playing the cello in an unusual location, such at the top of a mountain or cathedral. The founders of Extreme Celloing in England did the London Marathon while carrying their cellos (doing it as a charity fundraiser). Might they be looking for a partner in the New World?
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Since my current duty on the blog is sharing book reviews once in a while, here's a book that I recently read. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a fascinating non-fiction book about a cancerous cell sample taken from the tumor of a black woman back in the 50's. These cells completely changed the face of scientific research. Before this time, scientists were unable to keep cell samples alive for more than a few hours. This made research on human genetics and diseases extremely difficult. Thanks to Henrietta Lacks' robust cancer cells, which seemed almost indestructible, scientists were able to develop vaccines and understand infinitely more about human cells, diseases, etc. Who knows when the technology to keep normal cells alive would have come around! If not for those cells, we might not have gotten a polio vaccine till much later.
The book is interesting because it doesn't just focus on the science, (which is explained clearly and interestingly for those who aren't especially interested), but it also focuses on Henrietta Lacks herself (known only as HeLa for many years) and her many descendants. She had left five young children at the time of her death. The book also focuses on research ethics, particular the rampant racism intrinsic to many scientific experiments at the time, and continuing problems in research. I promise there is something in this book that speaks to everyone, I highly recommend it!
The book is interesting because it doesn't just focus on the science, (which is explained clearly and interestingly for those who aren't especially interested), but it also focuses on Henrietta Lacks herself (known only as HeLa for many years) and her many descendants. She had left five young children at the time of her death. The book also focuses on research ethics, particular the rampant racism intrinsic to many scientific experiments at the time, and continuing problems in research. I promise there is something in this book that speaks to everyone, I highly recommend it!
North Battleford, SK Part II
…. (Continued) the
one unexpected thing for me about the reunion was how good the venue was. The
reunion took place at Jackfish provincial park which was just north of the city
of North Battleford (pictured in photo above). It was a particularly good venue for people with kids -
they had an excellent beach, clean facilities, a large selection of boat
rentals, a bouncy castle, mini golf, beach volleyball and a large, well-maintained
grassy area that was very close to the beach – it was a great place for frisbee,
soccer, and kids just running around. I recall Charla saying that
Saskatchewan had many great lakes and that she had many fond memories on family
vacations at different lakes in Saskatchewan growing up. But as an Albertan who
had never spent much time in Saskatchewan I also wondered if the lakes were so
much different than they were in Alberta. Based on our experience there, the
overall experience of Jackfish lake FAR EXCEEDED my expectations and I found
myself wondering "why does Alberta not have a provincial park or lake as
good as this." Or maybe they do somewhere, but if so we certainly don't
know about it. My experiences in the past couple of years with Ben and Oli at
a few different beaches in Alberta have been plagued with mosquitoes, algae, leaches and foul
smelling water (the foul smell I assume coming from either the algae, not being well maintained or a combination of both). It
made me think that this would be a great place to have a next reunion as there
were lots of kid friendly activities, the accommodation would be cheap and
those of us who golf couldn’t go wrong as there is a golf course only 3 mins
away from the campsite and it only costs $42 for 18 holes! (which I’m sure
beats the Kananaskis green fees by a long shot). It would take about 4.5 hrs to
get to North Battleford from Edmonton, but considering it took us about 4 hrs
to get to Kananaskis, not much of a difference there. So what does everyone
think? Certainly a place to keep in mind for another family reunion if some people
consider unprecedented travelling east of Edmonton to another province – I’m sure
that there are some Schneids who haven’t yet been to Saskatchewan am I right? So could be a new experience for some of us.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Happy Birthday Lindsay!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I've always appreciated your incredible
creativity. I also have appreciated your willingness to help. In fact I think
just about all the time you have used your creativity to help other people
whether it's in work, school assignments, or for halloween-type events. Which
is really wonderful. I also appreciate your positive attitude. Have a great
Love, Rico
I admire how you are always so sunny and
cheerful. You have a great attitude and approach to life.
Your students are very fortunate indeed.
Best wishes for the coming year.Dad XOXOXOX
Birthday Linds!
I think you just light up so many people's lives with your
positive cheery outlook and caring attitude. And besides that you're so
much fun. You know how to make a party wherever you are. And whatever you do
you go all out - whether it's sending someone a birthday card or planning an RS
You're my favorite singer.
Love you,
is always so thoughtful and gracious. It was awesome of her to let me
stay with her in LA for those couple of months over the summer. I'll
never forget what a fun time we had and how hospitable Linds was that whole
time. I also really appreciate talking to her and hearing good advice
from her as well. I hope you have an awesome birthday Linds! Love
you tons!
the many things I appreciate about Lindsay, the thing I admire the most is how
centered on the Gospel she has always been. From serving a mission to being a regular
temple participant and a great visiting teacher. She serves the Lord and really
has her priorities straight. Have a great birthday Linds and a great year!
is such an incredible woman! She's so kind and generous to everyone in
her life. She also tries her hardest to help out
her students. She also has an incredible singing voice and
is willing to share that with everyone.
Birthday Lindsay! I have always appreciated your joie de vivre and enthusiasm
in so many things you do. You have always been inclusive to other
people and are generous with your time by willing to offer help. Hope you
have a great day!
Lindsay is so caring for others with an incredible
capacity to love everyone around here. She often puts other's needs above
her own. She doesn't complain or struggle. I will always be
impressed by the time we climbed the half-dome at Yosemite and Linds despite
being very tired and hot and not accustomed to such a grinding hike, never
complained. Her kindness and love is very genuine, she's a great big
sister. Happy Birthday Linds!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Folk Festival
Monday, August 13, 2012
Heritage Days
All of you Edmontonians or former Edmontonians know that Heritage Days
is one of the most popular summer festivals in Edmonton. For those of
you who don't know what it is, Heritage Day is a stat holiday in Canada
on the first Monday of August. Edmonton has the best Heritage Festival
across all of Canada, or so I've heard! To celebrate all the different
cultures represented in Edmonton, food tents are set up across Hawrelak
Park from all different countries. Basically a dream come true for someone who loves ethnic food and trying new things. Needless to say, it makes for quite a
chaotic and crowded scene. Elena and I had a grand time trying foods
from some of the more obscure and less crowded tents, including Eritrea,
Malaysia, Nepal, and Romania. My favorite was probably the curry from
Nepal. (Nepalese food is very similar to Indian food, which I've
recently decided is my favorite type.) Besides tasting yummy food, we
also got to see some cool dancers and look at random other merchandise
for sale. Not to mention take some interesting pictures.
It was great fun, and I hope to return soon!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Paying Attention
I had a very interesting experience at work last week that showed how paying attention to details can pay off in a big way.
As many of you (but not everyone) may know, last March my group at work left our old company to join a new company because the old company was going under financially. When our group joined the old company, they sold 3 paintings they had commissioned years before to the company as part of the deal. When we made the move, they had to leave these paintings behind because they belonged to the old company instead of the directors. Ever since, they had been trying to buy them back with no success.
One of my coworkers and I were using the freight elevator last week and I noticed the janitor was taking a couple of boxes to be disposed of at the same time. The label on one of boxes was very familiar; I recognized it from the old company. As I found out, the builing had just taken possession of the offices of the old company and was finally cleaning it out so they could re-lease it. I spoke with the building management and after verifying the paintings were the ones my directors were trying to get back, we decided to try again to get them.
We were successful and the paintings are back in my director's possession. All because I was paying attention at just the right moment and put the details together. It's something I've developed as a forensic accountant; you never know what small detail can make all the difference.
On a side note, one of the paintings looked extrememly familiar. I found out why. My mom gave Linds and I a puzzle depicting the Santa Monica pier in a "Where's Waldo?" style. We put together this puzzle one evening, modge-podged it and it's hanging up in our kitchen. The puzzle was taken from an original painting (and is the picture at the top of this post). The original painting is one of the 3 paintings we recovered. Small world!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Rico!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Rico!! It's a milestone passing the big quarter century.
Congratulations on graduating from college - another milestone.
I admire how you're able to analyze and think things through and then make your good decisions.
I admire the brain power behind all your knowledge about movies and sports.
I know this will be your best year.
Luv, Dad
Happy Birthday David! I love how your brain is always in gear - analyzing and processing and retaining all those amazing facts. And I love your sense of humor. Your one-liners always come from whatever's happening right at that moment and are one-of-a-kind. Sort of like you. You never pretend to be anyone other than you.
And - your smile is the best.
Have a great year!
Love Mom
I love David's wry sense of humour, he often pulls out these great, classic lines like "Family Reunion!" in the Banff cemetery when the mama and baby deer came together. He quietly and kindly helped me, the boys and G&G when we were visiting in Edmonton and is just an all around really great guy. Thanks for being you David, and have a super day! Love- Meliss
I've always liked the way that David really throws himself deeply into things he's interested in. Whether its literature (Harry Potter and LOTR) or learning to be a handyman, he approaches things with a intensity and focus that's really admirable. I hope its a great birthday David and a great year!
Happy Birthday Rico. You have a great sense of humour and it's always interesting to hear your insights on the sporting world. It's been good to see you over the past summer and hope you have a great year.
Happy birthday David! One thing I admire about you is that I've never seen you be false or insincere in all the time that I've known you. You are just you and I love that. I also feel like we're kindred spirits in our common appreciation of "Community". You're a work hard, honest, down to earth kind of a guy and I hope this next year is full of surprises, happiness and season 4.
I LOVE how Rico has the best sense of humor. I even love the tone you take when you make a joke:) It's this uniquely RICO tone, and when you take it on we know you're going to say something hysterical because you have the most incredible talent of getting to the root of a situation and succinctly sharing it's humor.I also think it's pretty awesome that of all the pianists in the family Rico seems to play the most jazz-y type music. I think that's cool. It's such a blessing to be your sister and I am so proud of you, your accomplishments, and your heart of gold.Lindsay
I admire David's passion about things. The one that comes to mind is his strong desire to correctly introduce me to the Ben and Jerry's experience the Schneiders do. He is also very good with his nephews (and now his niece).
I like the way Rico is one cool customer. His knowledge and appreciation of sports and pop culture is robust and ever flourishing. His dedication to school and working hard is a great example to me.Happy Birthday Rico I hope it's a good one!BeejI really enjoyed having Rico around in Provo these last three years. We had fun getting dinner, watching movies, playing games, dressing up for halloween, etc. He was always up for doing something with me, his little sister, which I really appreciated! Not all older siblings are so easygoing and willing to do that. I will miss him next year, but I know he's on to bigger things! Happy 25th birthday Rico, I hope you have a great year.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
First mate and I just returned from a wonderful voyage through the Gulf Islands off the coast of BC. We leased a 41 foot Hunter sailing vessel along with Jim , Karyn, and Skipper Dave, a friend and experienced sailor, who showed us the ropes and taught us all about close hauling the jib.
Our boat - we were upgraded to a 'bigger boat' after someone blew the engine on the one we signed up for.
View while hiking at Telegraph Harbor, Thetis Island
We had beautiful sun and fair winds every day. We saw many fascinating harbors, great restaurants, and met some interesting people (the RVers of the waves). Here are a few more shots.
It was a great way to enjoy the beauties of nature. Hope we can all go someday.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The Lucky Seven
I wanted to share this photo of the seven grandkids because I think it is both cute and hilarious. I just love how all the boys are gathered around Ruby like she's the heir apparent to the throne, or something along those lines. She's sure to be treated like a little princess if this trend keeps up!
If memory serves me right our first Ben and Jerry Fest was at Echo Lake, 18!! Years ago!
Since then we've enjoyed many a Fest, and even though the tradition was ALMOST Shanghaied a couple years ago with the introduction of another brand of ice cream - name unmentioned - the tradition continues.
The latest Fest had an unmentionable brand circulating AGAIN but the cool thing was that the younger generation seemed to find many good things to enjoy about the tradition :)
Let's make sure we get another Fest in before the summer fades...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
North Battleford, SK
Charla and I had a Majeran family reunion last weekend in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. It was only my second Majeran reunion since we were married, due mainly to us not being able to make it to previous ones while in the UK. Many things happened as expected, lots of time around a campfire with good food and plenty of Majeran jokes (something they are notorious for), me playing a round of golf (another Majeran fixture at family reunions) and not doing nearly as well as the Majeran clan at the round of golf - something I paid for dearly by way of joking and friendly razzling later on in the reunion. They are a good and competitive bunch of golfers and the lowest score I heard of was a 77 which is certainly a much better score than I can probably hope for in my lifetime. Overall the reunion was a good trip, the kids had a very enjoyable time and it was really good for both Charla and me to catch up with some of the Majeran clan. But there was one part of the reunion that was totally unexpected. It made me wonder about where we could possibly have our next Young or Schneider family reunion ... to be continued...
This might change your life....
2 cups of whipping cream - whipped up until fluffy (better to undermix than overmix this.)
1 small tin of sweetened condensed milk
a few teaspoons of vanilla flavouring (I bet vanilla seeds would be so nice)
1/4 tsp salt
freeze for minimum of 6 hours
try not to eat all of it in one sitting.
add some cinnamon
add nutella
add....whatever you want really.
1 small tin of sweetened condensed milk
a few teaspoons of vanilla flavouring (I bet vanilla seeds would be so nice)
1/4 tsp salt
freeze for minimum of 6 hours
try not to eat all of it in one sitting.
add some cinnamon
add nutella
add....whatever you want really.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Deseret Industries
Living in Los Angeles is expensive, especially when you factor in 4 kids. Two things that have made our life economically viable over the last few years are Melissa's ability to save (she is amazing and the best family CFO I've ever met) and our joint ability to bargain shop. The DI up in Sacramento has been particularly helpful on that front. We were up for my 20th high school reunion (I know, I don't look a day over 30) and did a stop by on the way to the event. By way of background, we bought a 12 inch bike from Amazon in order to get the older boys up and riding. It was around 100 bucks, but is a very nice bike. Julian took to it like a duck to water and is really doing great now. Problem is all of the other kids also need/want turns.
Luckily DI had two 12 inch bikes in varying states of disrepair, which we were able to snag for 20 bucks total! After a couple of hours of tinkering (putting on new pedals, greasing the chains, etc) we had them up and running. Now, they aren't as nice as the 100 bike, but they run fine and are perfect starter vehicles. Just need to find one more set of training wheels for Jack and Christian. Just having trouble getting over the thought of spending more for training wheels than the bike I'm putting them on!
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