Friday, April 26, 2013
Also Happy Birthday Ian!
Sorry I missed the cutoff. Between Bishop Ian, Coach Ian, Runner Ian and Dad Ian, you need a lot of strength and endurance to accomplish everything that you do. So I chose one of the songs from Rocky, the one used for the training montages to show just what you're capable of. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Ian!
April is a big month for birthdays in the Schneid clan. Today we celebrate the birthday of Ian, a man of immense talents, interests, responsibilities and accomplishments.
We love you and appreciate the many things you do for the family and hope you enjoy this music for your special day.
From John
Happy birthday Ian! I am amazed by your ability to work hard and sacrifice to pursue what you love and what you are passionate about. You are a good example of a man who would be willing to walk 500 miles for friends or family, service or to pursue career dreams. Your tenacity in working hard to pursue what's important is truly admirable. I hope it's a good year for you.
We love you and appreciate the many things you do for the family and hope you enjoy this music for your special day.
From Linds:
I thought of how much Ian loves to beat box/ clap/ get a groove going for the boys to dance to spontaneously. I think it's such a great Dad quality to just get a party started no prob. Happy dancing!
I thought of how much Ian loves to beat box/ clap/ get a groove going for the boys to dance to spontaneously. I think it's such a great Dad quality to just get a party started no prob. Happy dancing!
Here's a beat box song I found to depict that.
I hope you find at least a few slow moments to enjoy on your birthday - I know you deserve them.
From Jordan:
Happy Birthday Ian! This song reminds me of how important all of your boys are in your life and how you have much to look forward to with them.
Hope you have a great day
From David:
For me it was a tossup between two songs prominently featured on the movie Jerry Maguire. I remember watching Jerry Maguire at the Riverbend house with Ian during Christmas break 2000. And Ian saying that he was the oldest 26 year old in the world (which Renee Zellweger's character insisted she was). So a song that inspired a fictional lawyer and can hopefully inspire a real lawyer. Happy Birthday Ian!
From Rach:
Happy Birthday!
From Coleen:
The song I chose has a line, 'His welfare is my concern', that you incorporate into every aspect of your life. You make yourself aware of the circumstances and needs of the people around you and reach out to meet those needs.
As the husband and father of the Puente family, a son in the Schneider and Hulewsky clan, and the bishop of your ward family, you constantly seek to lift and help others.
I'm so thankful for your outstanding example! Have a wonderful birthday!
From Char:
Happy Birthday Ian! I chose this song because I thought you might enjoy it for all the reasons Joanna from offered in the quote below.
Happy Birthday Ian! I chose this song because I thought you might enjoy it for all the reasons Joanna from offered in the quote below.
"Hells bells, I love this song! Seriously, this song is a
cinephile’s dream. It’s got everything: references to Plato’s Cave, the
theories of Sergei Eisenstein, silent movies, and frame rates. And it
uses film as a metaphor for the speed of life. Bet you didn’t know
Johnson actually has a background in film, having directed multiple
movies about surfing. His obvious knowledge of film theory gives this
simple melody some complexity–it’s a beautiful metaphor, eloquently laid
From Jordan:
Happy Birthday Ian! This song reminds me of how important all of your boys are in your life and how you have much to look forward to with them.
Hope you have a great day
From David:
For me it was a tossup between two songs prominently featured on the movie Jerry Maguire. I remember watching Jerry Maguire at the Riverbend house with Ian during Christmas break 2000. And Ian saying that he was the oldest 26 year old in the world (which Renee Zellweger's character insisted she was). So a song that inspired a fictional lawyer and can hopefully inspire a real lawyer. Happy Birthday Ian!
From Rach:
Happy birthday Ian! I hope you have an great day! I know
you like the Beatles and I thought this song would be appropriate! You
have always been a really hard worker, which is something I admire
about you. Where you are today with your work definitely proves that! I
can picture you coming home to Melissa and the boys and partying with
them, like this song mentions :)
Love, Rach
Love, Rach
From OJ:
Ian has always had a special feeling for the land of Sweden and the people.
He gave his all for the Lord during his two years there and was blessed in many ways.
Hope this Swedish folk song brings back many happy memories!
Ian has always had a special feeling for the land of Sweden and the people.
He gave his all for the Lord during his two years there and was blessed in many ways.
Hope this Swedish folk song brings back many happy memories!
Happy Birthday!
From Coleen:
The song I chose has a line, 'His welfare is my concern', that you incorporate into every aspect of your life. You make yourself aware of the circumstances and needs of the people around you and reach out to meet those needs.
As the husband and father of the Puente family, a son in the Schneider and Hulewsky clan, and the bishop of your ward family, you constantly seek to lift and help others.
I'm so thankful for your outstanding example! Have a wonderful birthday!
Much Love,
From John
Happy birthday Ian! I am amazed by your ability to work hard and sacrifice to pursue what you love and what you are passionate about. You are a good example of a man who would be willing to walk 500 miles for friends or family, service or to pursue career dreams. Your tenacity in working hard to pursue what's important is truly admirable. I hope it's a good year for you.
From Melissa:
There are so many songs I've thought of putting up here- one that is slow and sweet, one that is fun and upbeat, and somewhere in the middle. Here's the one I settled on:
Love you Ian! Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Happy Birthday OJ
The Juice has reached the eventual, effervescent and eventful 6 .... 0. Rather than retire he will probably work for another 40 years. Here are the songs we have chosen in honour of OJ:
Salt Of The Earth -- Rolling Stones. OJ, you definitely rank as one of the hardest working people I know (alongside Melissa, the apple must not fall far from the tree, eh?). I have always found it to be such an admirable quality. You truly are the salt of the earth and I'm grateful for your example as a husband and father. I'm sure we all raise our (proverbial) cups to you. May this be a great birthday and the best year yet for you!
Salt Of The Earth -- Rolling Stones. OJ, you definitely rank as one of the hardest working people I know (alongside Melissa, the apple must not fall far from the tree, eh?). I have always found it to be such an admirable quality. You truly are the salt of the earth and I'm grateful for your example as a husband and father. I'm sure we all raise our (proverbial) cups to you. May this be a great birthday and the best year yet for you!
Happy birthday Dad! The big 6-0!!! I remember I used to sing this to song to you a lot when I was little, so of course it came to mind. Here are two versions of it. Over the summer, it was fun to get the chance to go to and from work with you for a change! Love you lots thanks for being the best Dad ever :)
Love, Rach
Love, Rach
I always think of flight of the bumblebee when I think of dad. He would play it sometimes and he played it so beautifully! It was amazing and I loved hearing it ;)
Happy birthday Oliver! The first thing that came to mind about you was your love of golf and getting outdoors to either play or hit the driving range, so I decided to combine golf and comedy with everyone's favorite improv group. v=G1_UhojClTk
I chose this song because I know you like jazz and this is one of my favorite jazz songs.
OJ I hope you have a great jumpin jazzy kind of year full of zest and order and chaos and all that is jazz.
Happy Birthday Dad! I always remember you being a fan of jazz music - I remember listening to it in the car sometimes when you were driving and remembering your big collection of jazz cd's. I learned this song on the piano when Mrs Moore was teaching me due in large part I'm sure to all the jazz music I had listened to from your collections. v=vmDDOFXSgAs
Happy Birthday, Dad! So many songs come to mind when I think of you... your cool jazz music and particularly the big band hit parade CD that we kept in the big black CD turning holder in the Belgravia house... The way it really got us all dancing, your Robin's Return on the ivories, sports jingles on tv, your encouragement, support and example to us in our own music making. I realize that my love for creating music is largely due to your good taste!!
Even though these are all such great songs and great memories, my most fond memories involve you and primary songs! 'I'm so glad when Daddy comes home' is one that I'd love to sing to you myself. I remember vividly as a five year old when you had just sat on the couch coming home, and I burst through to your face singing it. You had a big smile! I love that we'd all get in a line and parade around the house, arms popping out like a congo line, dancing to 'Hey Everybody, it's Family Night...' so that's the song I want to spotlight today, that emphasises how you always put family first, and that illustrates your awesome sense of humor and fun loving nature.
'Hey Everybody it's Family Night!' track #9 on the site below. So listen to it there! Whee! Love you!!
Happy, Happy 60 Ojo! You did it!
I wanted to find a song that embodied that entire perfect blend of kindness, calm, wit, and intellect that is you - the absolute best man I know.
But what I ended up choosing is one of your old time favorite tunes - A little throwback to one of your contemporaries... who put your 'med school mantra' to music.
Just listen to the first 15 seconds and let it all come back :)
Just listen to the first 15 seconds and let it all come back :)
Have the best birthday ever,
I Love You,
Dad you are the best! I am extremely fortunate to have you as my Dad. Your usually subdued wit, your intelligence, your example of being at the right place at the right time, your tremendous work ethic and your humility are admired by everyone who knows you. You are a great example and role model. I like the Robin's Return because it is a lot like you it is a simple but melodious and peaceful composition, not flashy. It is persistent in repeating similar runs over and over again. It is very characteristic of your personality which is perhaps why it has stuck with you all these years. I also chose "Like a Rock" because I think it also reminds me of you and every Southern Alberta farm boy should have a country song to remind them of their roots working in the sun (even if they no longer listen to country music which is probably a good thing). Happy Birthday Dad!!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Thanks for the Quilting Lessons
Over Spring Break I was busy sewing away! Jaima and I were talking over Christmas and looking at Martha Stewart Baby magazines and I started saying it would be fun to use Spencer's old work shirts to make a quilt for Little One! Spence tragically ripped a few on a loose edge of his work desk, so I have been saving them for something special. Jaima gave me the idea of using the pockets and so I chose a few shirts that were fun colors.
Then cut out my favorite parts and put them in some sort of arrangement. This was a few
months ago before we knew we'd be having a boy! It all worked out well, since there are
lots of blues and greens:)
Sewing my crazy quilt with Grannie back when I was in High School was helpful in knowing how to cut the squares, sew them together, and then add the backing and the edges. Here's the finished product!
It was so fun to make this quilt, and it was also special that we used Spencer's Grandma's sewing machine that was given to us. Talk about special family love! Can't wait to wrap our Little One in a special blanket that's made from his Dad's shirts!
Thanks to everyone for the very thoughtful, interesting and illuminating songs. It's nice to think that you guys think I lead a much more fun, mysterious and adventurous life then I actually do. Good memories and interesting choices. Lots of these songs and videos, with the exception of one or two, I'm very familiar with especially Indiana Jones and Seinfeld some of them are very shocking surprises. All were delightful.
The birthday was good. I certainly miss the old days when I got to celebrate with all the siblings and order breakfast, lunch and dinner. Christa and Mikyla both made my birthday awesome though. Christa gave me some very thoughtful gifts and Mikyla had a little celebration for her murder mystery party since our birthdays are pretty close together. It was a great time. Thanks once again for the songs and the love.
Thanks to everyone for the very thoughtful, interesting and illuminating songs. It's nice to think that you guys think I lead a much more fun, mysterious and adventurous life then I actually do. Good memories and interesting choices. Lots of these songs and videos, with the exception of one or two, I'm very familiar with especially Indiana Jones and Seinfeld some of them are very shocking surprises. All were delightful.
The birthday was good. I certainly miss the old days when I got to celebrate with all the siblings and order breakfast, lunch and dinner. Christa and Mikyla both made my birthday awesome though. Christa gave me some very thoughtful gifts and Mikyla had a little celebration for her murder mystery party since our birthdays are pretty close together. It was a great time. Thanks once again for the songs and the love.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Birthday Boy!
Love, Mom
Happy Birthday John!
Happy Birthday 007 - may your next year be full of danger, intrigue and swanky settings.
Happy Birthday Beej!
Spencer: Happy birthday! When I think of what song best fits you, a certain professor of archeology comes to mind. Somehow I see you being very handy with a bullwhip and fedora and your love of the outdoors.
Jordan: Happy birthday Beej! This song reminds me of folkfest and how we had a great time going with you this past summer (Colin Hay actually played there a couple years ago) and it also reminds me of your interest in travelling and exploring the 'beautiful world'. But pls focus on the first three quarters of the song and not the last line or two! Cheers Snej
Coleen: Happy Birthday John! I chose this birthday song - actually sung eight years ago to your 'Latino' brother - but today just imagine it sung to You, by your other Latino brothers!... Dad and David and I had such a wonderful time picking you up after your mission. We saw for ourselves how you had given your all to making your mission experience so remarkable. You were so well loved by everyone we met - from the mission president to all the other missionaries, to everyone you taught, to all the hermanas. President Evans said of you - Everyone wants to be Elder Schneider. I think that's still the case, John. You have such a beautiful combination of humor, kindness, spirituality, intelligence, adventure and love of life rolled into one. I am so proud of you. Have the best birthday!
Editor Note: I couldn't get the video to embed, sorry!
Oliver: Happy Birthday Beej!! I thought this song and video captured your zany musical outdoor spirit. I hope you never lose your zest for life and your great sense of humor. This is your year! Love, Dad
It's especially great from 0:50 Spence and I laughed and laughed HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
David: I pick the theme song to Seinfeld. Since John is a big fan of the show and tried to record all the episodes on VHS before the novel concept of tv on DVD and now digital streaming.
Rachel: Happy birthday Beej!!! Maybe one day we can come up with an equally awesome and successful act like these guys (except of course with cello and violin). I always have so much fun jamming with you. If only we could go back to the glory days at Pike Place Market. Looking forward to even more jam seshs with you in the future!
Melissa: For me it's Pachebel Canon. He played it at my wedding so beautifully! I love to hear him on the cello and that's a good one for it. :)
Thursday, April 11, 2013

An auspicious number for many reasons, but one in particular :)
If you can guess what the reason is and say anything you want about a shared 'millennium' of news!, then you're initiated into the 1000 CLUB!
In our humble beginnings of December 2005 - when Melissa first suggested the idea - little did we realize we'd come this far - so fast :)
Happy Belated Sibling Day!
I guess National Sibling Day was yesterday - so I just wanted to wish you all a happy sibling day and thanks for being there for me! I couldn't ask for better older siblings! I am so lucky to have the amazing examples of all of you. Love you all!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Bronze Medal
Over the past couple of years I've been taking the exams for the Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA) certification for my job. There are 3 sections, one exam per section. I took my last one in June 2012 and found out a month or two after that I had passed it and received my CIRA. At the time I was thrilled.
Recently, however, I found out even better news. Every year, they review the scores of everyone that passes their final section that year and the total them up. They also review the exams to make sure the scores are accurate. They then award what's called the Zolfo Cooper/Randy Waits medals, with the Gold medal being for the top scorer in the nation when all exam sections are combined, the Silver for 2nd and the Bronze for 3rd. They also award certificates of distinguished performance for those whose combined scores just missed receiving one of the medals.
I found out that I am the Bronze medal winner for 2012. Obviously I'm extremely thrilled about it; I didn't know I was even in the running for this award. I'm supposed to receive the award at the annual conference in Chicago but since the date of the award banquet is just a week before Lindsay is due, I will be unable to attend that. Still, it's a nice award to receive and will definitely help me going forward.
They also asked for a headshot for the newsletter and for the yearbook listing the prior award winners. Since I didn't have one, Melissa agreed to take one for me:
She made me look pretty good and professional, don't you think?
Recently, however, I found out even better news. Every year, they review the scores of everyone that passes their final section that year and the total them up. They also review the exams to make sure the scores are accurate. They then award what's called the Zolfo Cooper/Randy Waits medals, with the Gold medal being for the top scorer in the nation when all exam sections are combined, the Silver for 2nd and the Bronze for 3rd. They also award certificates of distinguished performance for those whose combined scores just missed receiving one of the medals.
I found out that I am the Bronze medal winner for 2012. Obviously I'm extremely thrilled about it; I didn't know I was even in the running for this award. I'm supposed to receive the award at the annual conference in Chicago but since the date of the award banquet is just a week before Lindsay is due, I will be unable to attend that. Still, it's a nice award to receive and will definitely help me going forward.
They also asked for a headshot for the newsletter and for the yearbook listing the prior award winners. Since I didn't have one, Melissa agreed to take one for me:
She made me look pretty good and professional, don't you think?
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Baby Bump
It's pretty fun growing a baby! We took some pics to make a sort of flip book at the end. It's interesting to think there is a little person inside me. We like to feel him move and think about what he will be like. Here are a few pics depicting my progression through the weeks. I'm at 30 weeks now! Look at him grow!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Bubba's Hover
I had to share this one for OJ. Despite my horrendous game, I'd be happy to caddy with one of these!
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