This is a picture of Oliver on the edge of his seat listening to one of my facinating and greatly amusing stories. After I finished he clapped his hands and said "Oh mum, what a delightful tale, please tell me another."
Well....maybe that's not quite how it went. Oliver does occationally take an interest in me during my singing/talking/dancing performances created especially for his listening enjoyment however, he often seems much more interested in... well.... walls, doors, light fixtures, blinds, yes, I often feel as though I'm in the way - I'm not exactly sure what it is that captivates him so but he often looks as thought he's in a flury of visual excitment and just can't take in the scenery fast enough. This is sometimes subdued when he finally finds something truly astounding and then is fixated for a little while. What I wouldn't give to know what's going on inside his little world.
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