We had a visitor yesterday morning on our patio a deck- a squirrel! I was so excited to see it I called to the boys to come over and take a peek. The squirrel seemed to be pretty friendly and he came up closer to the glass and we got a good look at him. I noticed the boys seemed to be a bit nervous and then I took a closer look at the squirrel- he had gone up on his hindlegs and I was amazed at how huge he was when he did this. He started walking towards the glass door (it looked really creepy when he was on his hind legs actually) and came so close it seriously looked like he was trying to get in!! He seemed to be looking all over the door for a way in. Then I noticed that his left paw looked as if it had been chewed right off of his arm. Suddenly, he didn't look so friendly anymore. I tried to scare him off- (actually, I was pretty nervous now too and glanced over the door to make sure he actually COUldn't get in) but he was practically touching the glass... smiling maliciously. Luckily he got bored and took off after that. Boys watched him leave to the last second.
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