Lindsay graciously offered to come by on Monday and help me out! I was so thrilled for the extra help! We are getting a lot of great help from our ward, but there's nothing like having a sister come over. I asked her to do one last kitchen organization project for me. I had put the
gravity-feed can rack organizers I got into some lower cupboards that were too narrow, so Lindsay put them in the right place for me and put the rest of the items into other cupboards. The result was instant love. Thanks Linds!

How proud i am of my granddaughters helping one another. there is nothing like having compassionate sisters. Grandpa & I visited with my sister in Pincher Creek & then my other sister in calgary. I even got some info for my family history. Keep up the good relationship
Linds and Meliss- I need you both at my place - you should see my closets!
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