Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Free Bus Tickets

For the past two days I've been hanging out at the Washington King County court house in downtown Seattle, waiting to find out if I've been selected for jury duty. Tomorrow I'll be told if I'm one of the chosen ones! In the meantime I've heard lots of different views from the prospective jurors - ranging from "there's no way... I can take this much time off work/be home in time for Shabbat/ be responsible for judging someone else", to "I hope I'm chosen... I'd like to do my duty/learn about the judicial system".
At the moment my opinion is somewhere in between. I served on a jury four years ago and the three different summons I've received since then have left me wondering what is really meant by random selection. Still if I'm selected I look forward to a greater understanding of Lincoln's words of/by/for the people, not to mention my perks, like free bus tickets and a $10 daily stipend!


2x2momma said...

wow. definitely do it for the money. You can almost buy2 froyos with that!

C.J. Schneider said...

How interesting. May I suggest watching 12 Angry Men to get you in jury duty mood. The original and remake are both a treat.