Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Senior Recital

A couple weeks ago I had the chance to have a little senior recital with my friend Lauren, who plays the piano.  We invited our friends and their parents, and we played some solo pieces and a duet together.  It was Lauren's final culminating project for school.  It ended being a lot of fun!  I'm so glad I could have my friends listen to my violin playing, because a lot of them didn't even really know I played the violin.  Overall the program was about half an hour, most of it being Lauren's pieces, but I also got to play one with Mom accompanying me.  She did great as well- it's nice to have a mom who you can play music with!  Anyways, here's a few pictures of the event!

1 comment:

Grampa said...

Well done, Wooz. You did a great job on both your projects.