Hello all! It has certainly been a unacceptably long time since I last posted, so I apologize for that. Lots of exciting stuff has happened! Benjamin arriving + Christian and Jack's 1st birthday!, Beej getting back from Peru, college classes starting for many of us, Mom and Dad being empty nesters for the first time in over 30 years, etc. But I just wanted to give you guys some of my impressions about BYU since I moved in here. I live in Heritage Halls with 5 roommates who are all super nice. I'll have to post some pictures of them when I get a camera. The people in my ward also seem really cool and I'm really liking my classes. The campus is beautiful too. I had the chance to go for a hike to the Y on Monday, since we had the day off, and I got some awesome views. There's also another picture I took from campus of the Y on the mountain, so you can see Provo from two perspectives. Anyways, I haven't made any best friends yet so I still miss my friends back home but I'm glad to report that I am enjoying BYU and I'm sure I'll make some good friends soon enough! If anyone has some tips on how to make friends, let me know... I could probably brush up on those skills since it's been a while since I've needed to use them! Haha. Well I love you all and look forward to hearing from you!
Looks like so much fun! I think I hiked the Y that first freshman Labor Day as well...
There's nobody like your freshmen roomies and your freshmen ward! I would make an effort to do a lot of things with them- FHE, activities, ward callings, etc. Try not to skip any of those first ones as they get going. We also organized Sunday dinners where we each took turns cooking and those were really fun. I know other roomies who'd meet for lunch and devotionals, take GE classes together, try to go to the BYU dances like Opening Social (?) Homecoming, etc.
I would also look for opportunities to lend a hand and help out, chat in the evenings and just observe to see what makes them tick so you understand pet peeves etc. I'd also be patient. It takes time to get to know people! While it doesn't happen at once, it will happen if you make it a priority and put some time in it. It's awkward at first sometimes, but it gets easier.
Hope some of these ideas click with your situation. Enjoy your special time!
I loved undergrad life! Have a blast. Making friends....sometimes less is more. Having a few really good close friends is way better than having a million friends you just kind of know.
Rach, you know how to be a friend so you will be able to make friends.
When we dropped you off at the dorms, I just got this overwhelming sense of excitement and happiness for you. What a great place to be a freshman college student! There will be ups and downs but you know how to deal with the downs and enjoy the ups!
Love you!
Making friends? It takes time and some effort but is worth it! You'll figure it out! Be aware of the things your roomies and ward members and classmates like to do and do those things with them! (along with doing things together that you like to do.) When you're in a new situation like a new ward some people will be available more than others to be friends- some of your roomies might already have friends, some might not, but just keep trying to get together and spend time with people. You'll see who you click with and things will work out for the best. You'll make some awesome friends. You are such a happy and intelligent and fun girl that I'm sure it will happen in no time! That's awesome that you want to build relationships there at school, and the Lord will have some good ideas too if you ask Him in prayer. Like Meliss said, lunch dates and dinners with friends are a great way to get started. I love you! Can't wait to see you and meet some of your friends in a couple of weeks!!
"All in due time " - just be your natural self....smile, don't be afraid to take the initiative. With your personality you will attract many friends. But be selective and trust in the Lord - you are at BYU for a purpose. Don't forget to share your talents.
Love you
I was thinking about the collective wisdom of your sisters, mother and grandmother. How fortunate for you that these women are there to support you and encourage you. We missed seeing you this time around. Enjoy your time there.
You look pretty friendly with everyone in the group shot.
I think Melissa and Linds are right about finding friends. Look for the built in groups like FHE, freshman ward, classes, neighbors, clubs, etc. Talk to a lot of different people and you will find the ones you click with. Try to get to know them and do stuff together. Being a friend involves going outside of yourself and thinking about the other person. Put yourself out there, take risks, you go girl!!!
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