Friday, October 30, 2009

My Life Now

Let me just say that law school is what I expected and not what I expected. Everybody here is so smart and ambitious I kinda feel like I don't belong. I feel like I lack that competitive drive, thumos, spiritiveness, kahones, or just straight up craziness that is required for such demanding programs like law school. Actually, I should say that I really enjoy the issues that we discuss, the lectures, and the readings but there's just so much. (Sidenote sorry mom and dad I don't think I will get married law is a very cruel mistress combined with all the time I waste staring into space and just relaxing which I do so well it appears that I will not be getting married anytime soon).

I would like now to quickly do a quick post on a much more important issue which is the classic battle of alberta the Edmonton Oilers vs. the Calgary Flames. For many of you schneiders who are basically now American or done what Snej refers to as "fallen into that LA trap" (no offense intended i'm sure) I will quickly discuss the importance of this rivalry.

The Edmonton Oilers and the Calgary Flames have always been the fiercest of rivals. In some ways this has been good, for instance the one and I repeat one cup that Calgary has won was after the Oilers had won their fourth cup or during the Oilers period of dominance you might say. The fierce rivals were pushing each other to be the best. However, I feel that recently this rivalry has taken a turn for the worst. Sadly, I see many many more Flames fans in Edmonton then is acceptable. On radio shows in Calgary talk show hosts are showing egregious disrespect for our city and our team. All just because they have had a better team the last couple of years. Somehow Flames fans (Flamers as I call them) feel that they are the be all and end all the "greatest team on earth." The conduct of flames fans is grievous to be borne.

Normally I have been of the opinion that it is important to cheer for the Oilers always but after they are eliminated to at least support the other Canadian teams (yes even the Leafs luckily I haven't had to do that for the last decade cause the Leafs suck). But now I am changing my policy to cheer against the flames always and mocking them as much as possible. The blatant disrespect is unacceptable and if you guys see Flamers anymore whether it's in LA, Utah or heaven forbid as far away as Scotland please express my regards as to how I feel about them.


woozie said...

I can't say I've seen too many Flamers here Beej, but I will be sure to openly mock them if I ever see them.
Good luck with law school by the way. I know you can do it!

Eileen Young said...

Quit staring & relaxing - roll up your sleeves & get to w-o-r-k. "Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that the power to work is a blessing, that the love of work is success"
Your talk was well thought out and quite remarkable.
Keep up the good work. G & G are pulling for you and also praying for you.You've got the smarts, the personality as well as being a special grandson.

Snej said...

I think the Flamers also fail to realise that the vast majority of them have been some of the biggest fairweather fans out there for about 10 prior to 2004 when the Flames were consistently one of the worst teams in the league! I agree that it's best to support the other Canadian teams and if Flamers get a big dose of humble pie and then maybe they will finally realise that they shouldn't always think of the Oil as mortal enemies?

Grampa said...

I say let the flamers enjoy their 15 minutes of fame. Don't give them the satisfaction of mocking them. If history is any indication, they will inevitably screw up and sink back into their customary cesspool of mediocrity

Janine said...

Don't tell Peter that you feel this way, Beej. It'll end a lifetime's worth of adoration and respect for you.