Monday, December 28, 2009

Law School Survival

Well one of these days I will find a picture of me at law school. I sit there straining to hear and dissect each and every word emanating from my professors (the oracles of infinite wisdom who graciously share their knowledge). I have survived my first semester, I don't think I did as well as I was hoping but I have plans to do much better my second semester. The holidays have been great but I fear that it will be very difficult to get back into the swing of things when the holidays come to a close. It has been great visiting the family and I was very sad that I was gone for Thanksgiving. I will be posting again in a couple of days with pictures yeah!!!


Grampa said...

I'm sure you did great, especially considering you were working part time. Just keep swimming.


LiNds said...

that's right. i echo gramps. keep up the surviving!!