Sunday, February 28, 2010

A game to remember

Congratulations to Canada from coming back from a 5-3 tragedy last week to a GOLD MEDAL 3-2 overtime victory!!!
It was an exciting game and we were all glued to the screen at the Majerans for the 3rd period.
Interesting to see how quickly the feeling of bitterness we all were experiencing quickly becomes a feeling of sweetness - the bitter being when the Americans tied it up with only 24 seconds remaining only to turn to sweetness when none other than Crosby put it through the wickets for a sudden death goal.
The commentators here were saying that much like Paul Henderson's unforgettable sudden death goal in the '72 series against the USSR I think Crosby's will be a goal shown over and over again and one that will live eternally with Canadian hockey fans.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Dad and I couldn't bear to watch overtime. We turned off the TV, phoned Beej and told him to call us when the game was over. But ALL the nail biting drama made this game pure gold. Way to go Canada!