Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Year of the Dragon

I hesitated about buying a pair of dragon boots for Caleb and Julian that I saw at the Gymboree outlet over the Christmas Break. They seemed like a flagrant waste of money- we so rarely see rain that they'd probably wind up spending their wearing life tucked up in the closet, like another pair of boots I bought for them two years ago. These boots did not get worn once! But I just couldn't resist them so I decided not to learn my lesson. I brought them home and we cracked them open that very afternoon.

Caleb and Julian had so much fun stomping in the puddles around the Hulewsky place that Ian got out some boots too and joined in the fun. I thought it might be the only time they got to wear them, but even then it was worth it.

When we got back to LA we were delighted to find more rain was in store for us, and even more delighted when I happened upon the unworn pair of boots I bought two years ago. They were brand new and fit Jack and Christian perfectly. Ironically they, too, are dragon boots. They wear them all the time. Now if only we could get a little more rain... ;)


LiNds said...

I love it when 'finds' while shopping work out so wonderfully! They sure look cute in their dragon boots!

Eileen Young said...

All children must have boots to stomp around in puddles - but dragon boots - that is really something!
Glad to see them so well shod.

C.J. Schneider said...

Your kids are SO adorable.