I don't think I can adequately outline here the amazing load that Melissa carries with grace each and every day. She is a top notch mother, taking care of our brood of little monkeys in a housing situation that is too small with neighbors that aren't always the most understanding. She takes the time to teach joy school, shuttle them to and from play-dates, classes and other activities. She's always working to teach them, to nurture them and to love them. She is a great mother.
She also works a demanding part time job as a freelance editor for the church, cutting together amazing stories of faith and devotion. They have been a source of inspiration for our whole family and I'm so glad she continues to keep her professional skills sharp. She is definitely the best editor I know.
Additionally, she teaches gospel doctrine in our ward, which is filled with the highly educated and opinionated. She does an outstanding job and takes tremendous pains to be prepared. Her lessons are always fabulous.
She does so many other things too; fantastic scrapbooking and journalling, awesome friend to many of the other young mothers in the ward, 5k runner, the list goes on. That said, the thing I'm most grateful for is how loving and supportive she is of me. I wouldn't be the man that I am, without this wonderful woman. Thank you, Melissa! I love you! Have the best birthday in the world!
Couldn't agree more with you, Ian! I have the best big sister in the world!!! I think you are an amazing Mother, and I have felt tremendous support from you too, Meliss! I think this is amazing considering the load you carry. But I remember your words at the end of last semester when I was feeling tired and ready for my courses to end. You had such insightful comments voicing those feelings, saying of course I would feel tired: all the information over the semester had accumulated AND I'd already been working hard for a few months to get to this point. It's moments like this, when you quickly have comforting, helpful words that put things into perspective for me, that I feel especially appreciative! You are so helpful!! I love you!!
Happy Birthday Melissa. We love you!
G and G
When we first met 33 years ago Melissa my heart told me you'd accomplish amazing feats. My heart was right. Happy Birthday! I love you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISS! You seriously are amazing, I don't know how you do everything you do. You are always so supportive, like Lindsay was saying, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you this summer! Love you lots!
xoxo Rach
I still remember June 8,1977. You were the star of the newborn nursery. The nurses told me how all the babies were either crying or sleeping, but you were just lying in your crib staring at the ceiling and smiling. They thought you could see something that no one else could. I think you still can do and see things no one else can. We love you, Melissa.
Thanks everyone! I feel so special. Xoxo
Hey Meliss I love how understanding you are and how you gently remind people what they should be doing in a way that is so loving and supportive. I know that you have a lot of stress but you always find a way to be supportive of others. I don't talk to you lots but I know that if i ever need good advice I can talk to you have a great bday. beej
Happy Birthday Melissa! It has been great to see how you have pulled off all the hard tasks and trials that you've had the last couple years. Julian, Caleb, Christian, and Jack are lucky to have you as a mom. Rico
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