First of all, I apologize for not being able to find the video for the SNL sketch, motivational speaker with Chris Farley. The audio while inferior, is still, in my opinion, very, very good.
Motivation. It's been on my mind lately. Mostly because I've been struggling to find some motivation to maintain pace with the household demands of cleaning, sweeping, mopping, washing: dishes, clothes, faces, bottoms, wiping, sorting, folding. It just goes on and on. The housework is relentless, merciless and sometimes suffocating. Sometimes, I just don't do it and ignore it and hope the mess will somehow take care of itself. It doesn't. In fact, it grows and grows and then threatens to devour me and my family unless I take care of it. I know this shouldn't be such a big deal in my life, I can already hear Granny reading this post and typing out "Just quit whining and get to work." (rightly so, Granny)
While sitting on my behind, surfing the net (ignoring my housework) I came across this blog post. It really inspired me, I ended up doing more housework today than I have in the past two weeks. I thought I'd share it.
"Remember discipline? That thing our grandparents were so good at? Before we were conditioned to think that you needed to love your job and that happiness meant owning two cars and a 4-bedroom house even if you can’t afford it, people used to do things they didn’t like to do. Because they had to.
Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious. But it always surprises me that “building more discipline” isn’t the obvious answer to people when they’re stuck in a motivation sinkhole.
Discipline is the productive habits you can start even when you don’t feel motivated. In practice, it should function a lot like a battery in a car: it provides the initial spark to get the whole process moving, afterward momentum will take over.
...The car battery doesn’t need to last the entire drive, just enough to spark the ignition."
Charla -
You are s-o-o funny although well expressed, but look on the bright side: You have two adorable sons nicely spaced, well-behaved and a husband who is "a man of God with a job" - hang in there & be happy.
Come & bring the boys over & leave them for an hour or two. You will get the job done in no time flat. We love you.
love it! i have felt a little less motivated in certain areas of my life of late as well. It was helpful to see your post about discipline. doing what you need to do when you need to do it, as mom and dad say. i also have nostalgia for the old fashioned days when I imagine life seemed simpler and more straightforward, but even then discipline was key!
Enjoyed the post, especially the last quote.
BTW, here:
Thanks for the hulu link Spencer. Canadians don't have access to hulu but this is great for all the Americans Schneids.
Ah good! I will take a look... I love this clip.
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