So there's this clock that is in our bathroom and after all the shouting, cooking, cheering, talking etc. finally dies down in the evening and the stillness of the night sets in the clock seems to come alive or gain strength. As the hours of the late evening and early morning pass by, the clock seems to get louder and louder until finally someone stirs and you hear the creaking tiles or steps as a living creature wakes up usually around 7:30. The night however belongs to the clock. The tick-tocking reverberates through the hall and when I am ,before I go to sleep usually around 12:00 or 12:30, I can hear it quite clearly. It's just a cheap hunka but it still makes that nice tick tock tick tock loudly.
For some reason last night I woke up at about 3:30 and this clock was just booming I had never heard it so loudly before. As I was sitting in silence, I could almost hear the mechanical gears shifting and crunching to move the arms; it literally did sound like a metronome in a large empty room with excellent acoustics.
For some reason I got this eerie feeling that everyone of us has a clock that is ticking constantly and that the seconds should not be wasted (kinda like Captain Hook when he hears the tick tock crocidile). I think that the way we spend our time is the most important investment we make. As young people it is essentially the only asset that we have and so the way we spend it really affects our future lives. For some reason hearing this strange clock really made me reflect that I have a limited amount of time and that I need to make the most of it somehow.
Excellent philosophy. Makes me wonder whether I am making the best use of my time. Thanks for your reminder,
Very profound, Beej. Reminded me of Elder Christofferson's talk on the consecrated life from the last General Conference.
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