Here we are on a great hike!
We had some yummy treats... Sprinkles...
Hearty ribs- met up with Reese's for this dinner before seeing 'Crazy for You'
Went shopping
Got hairdos- nicely newly blowdried!
Went to the Museum of Instrumental Music
Played some piano there
Saw the Slovenian Music exhibit
and read about the Kurenti as part of one of their carnivals.
We had such a blast!!! It was great to hang out, talk, and watch girly shows too, including Downton Abbey!
Here's Mom and I on the cool hike we all did!
Yay for Phoenix and girl's weekend!!!
Well I've been thinking 'bout
All the places we talked and laughed
And all the faces I've missed so -
Lets get back together and do it again!
No better way to spend a Presidents Day weekend than with people you love :)
Thanks for some fabulous memories Linds and Whites
Yes Yes Yes. Let's make it our annual President's Day adventure. And let's not forget Someone to Watch over Me from the play Crazy About You at the Hale Theatre.
Nice comments -re your weekend. Think how much more fun you would have had with Grannie along!
Looks like fun! What a lot of crazy things you guys did!
I see that food was a significant part of the Arizona experience. I'm getting hungry just looking at the photos.
Also, how about some recognition for the battle-weary warriors who are left behind to slug it out in the salt mines to make all these great adventures possible.
Yes! Yes... thank-you thank-you thank-you for your tireless battling with patients and patience to help make trips like this happen!!! (or clients or companies or cases or students...) Thank you to you and Spence and Mike and Bob for letting us have this time together and supporting it in more ways than one! It was fabulous!
I hope you realize I was only kidding. We are all glad you had such a fun getaway and hope you can do it again soon.
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