Spencer: I've always liked your ability to stay calm, cool and even witty under times of stress (and even when there isn't stress, you're still calm, cool and witty!)
Lindsay: What I love about you, Beej, is you're so charismatic! For example, I remember being in Pirates of Penzance with you in High School and you were the only Freshman who got into the cast. Even though you were the youngest of the bunch, everyone loved you! Including all the Juniors and Seniors! It was really fun to have this experience acting with you.
I also love your spunky, unique humor and relaxed way about you. You get things done but you don't let yourself get pressured by others. You are deliberate and systematic so that you achieve results but they are on your time and in your excellent way, with interludes of silliness and humor.
Happy Birthday to my greatest younger bro (as opposed to my greatest youngest bro)!!
I love you Fudgie, Tah, or Beej!!!!
Rachel: I've always admired Beej's sense of adventure, he is up for doing anything that will get his adrenaline pumping and I think that's awesome and admirable. He's also very easy-going which is a great quality. It's always fun to spend time with him. Happy birthday Beej, I look forward to hanging out with you this summer!
Coleen: John Happy Happy Birthday!
You've been such a great roommate this year. You've been thoughtful and considerate and besides that you're a good cook. I've been able to see how you're such a loyal friend and how you go out of your way to make others feel included.
You're an incredible organizer - whether it's organizing an Easter egg hunt for the nephews or planning one or your legendary 'galas'. You take ordinary moments, shake them up and make them exciting.
Love you lots, xo Mom
David: What I admire about John is that he is able to relate with lots of people from all walks of life. He isn't exclusive to any particular group. I also like having him as a brother because we share lots of interests and are able to relate on many of the issues we are both going through (like getting married maybe).
Ian: I've always appreciated Beej's zest for life. He also has a great sense of humor. He brings joy and laughter to any setting.
Oliver: John has been a lot of fun as a "boomerang" child. Nano and I have enjoyed our time together with John this past year. He is a great uncle, and whenever we see Oliver and Ben they ask where John is. I greatly admire his passion for the outdoors, and hope to be able to follow his lead as I have more time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!! This is your year to shine.
Charla: -When I was hosting book club (before the pregnancy) I always loved what you brought to the discussion, whether talking about a poem or a short story you always have really interesting insights. John you are one of my favorite book club people!
-I love your easy going manner - I remember reading an e-mail from you when you were on your mission and had roughed up your face a bit in that bike accident. You seemed to have such a great calm and cool head considering your circumstance.
-I love how great you are with my boys, they love you so much! And I always appreciate how you so often seem to notice when I need some help and swoop in without even asking.
-Of course, I love your sense of humour as well.
You're a good one John. Happy Birthday!
Jordan: Happy birthday Beej! Now that we know you're staying in Edmonton next year we'll have to lock you in for babysitting for longer. It never ceases to amaze me how much Oliver and Ben get excited when you come
over, thanks for your help with them.
Have the best day, nay - the best year ever!
Love you tons :)
Love the pic! Happy Birthday Beej!!
Have a great day John!
I had to examine that picture to make sure it wasn't from someone in the witness protection program hiding behind those glasses and moustache. I don't recall seeing you in either.
What I love about you Beej is that you make roadtrips a lot more interesting. And you are game to ride around the reservoir with an old lady without making me feel old.
Happy Birthday. The end of school is in sight.
Thank you everyone for the kind birthday wishes! Yesterday morning I had to finish my last paper for law school and then I had to run to the end of school YSA party because I was involved with the program so the birthday was very busy. I'm hoping next year it's more relaxed. Thanks again, I thought all of your comments were thoughtful and just great.
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