Well that’s what I helped several kids to do. Some even wanted to make 2 or 3! It was cute, busy, fun and rewarding.
The best part is when Spence came to meet me! We met up with a coworker of mine and her boyfriend and walked around, getting hot dogs for lunch, scouting out the Silent Auction, browsing the bake sale, watching some of the kids play games like catapult and ball tosses and whatnot. There were some really fun decorations like big huge 'candies' and lollipops in the lawn. We went to the parking lot area and got ice cream - and agreed to watch some of the kids who really wanted to show off to their teachers as they sped along on the roller coaster ride or jumped really high on the trampolines.
A big moment of the day was just before the silent auction closed. Our eyes caught sight of a ‘Simpson’s Basket’ from one of the producers of Simpsons. We had seen it earlier and it still peaked our interest. It had action figures, several Simpson’s seasons, character key chains, and other cool jazz. So we had to bid! The price was already fairly high but we figured we'd give it a shot! What did we have to lose? :) Well... We quickly got outbid, as it turned out, but it was fun to try! And we did our part to raise the bid and help the fundraising cause I guess.
It was wonderful to see everyone, a well planned event, and we had such a lovely, really fun and snazzy day at this awesome fair!
Sounds like a ton of fun. I love the
artwork. I don't remember my spin art looking that good.
Love, Gramps
Sorry you missed out on the Simpson basket but I guess the spin art compensated for that.
Sounds like an awesome school Linds, No wonder you love working there.
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