Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Non-sparkly Vampires

One of the things that practically nobody likes is the telemarketer.  They keep calling and hounding you, trying to get you to buy their product at best, or trying to collect a debt for someone who had your phone number previously at worst.  The American Red Cross has taken to using phone calls trying to get people to donate blood.  They can be quite diligent in calling you, to the point that when we see their number on the caller ID, I’ll tell Lindsay “It’s the vampires calling again” because they want my blood.  I’ve got a blood type they like so they call me as frequently as they can to get me to donate (they leave me alone while I’m in my “recovery window”) and will keep calling.

However, they do provide a very valuable service, as anyone who has needed a blood transfusion will attest.  If you are eligible to do so (there’s some restrictions for people who have lived in the U.K. though I don’t know if they apply to anyone reading this, plus this is for the United States, your situation may be different in Canada) I would encourage you to go do a blood donation.  Plus there’s free snacks and juice and you’re helping out others.

Just remember, vampires are relentless…

1 comment:

woozie said...

Yeah, I still get phone calls and emails from Seattle about donating blood, they can be quite relentless! Luckily my blood type is the most common so it's not quite as in demand.