I have to share how cool its been to be at Karyn and Jim's these past few days and see all the things they're doing to get ready for their time in Thailand - especially seeing what Karyn is doing to learn Thai. When she picked me up at the bus depot there were a bunch of sticky notes on the steering wheel with Thai words on them so she can practice out loud while she drives. She blesses the food and practices giving her testimony - all in Thai. She's getting so good at the language that she even corrected Jim once while he was speaking it. They have regular language training skype sessions with a recently returned missionary who served in Thailand.
They're doing all they can to prepare for their 12 month stint. It's pretty obvious they're going to be off the charts amazing. I've been totally inspired by all they're doing. They leave for Provo on Halloween day and they say they'll dress up as LDS missionaries for the occasion :)
That's so exciting! They will be great missionaries :) sounds like you guys had a fun time together.
Glad to hear things are going so well in the preparations. It's good to see the reunion shirts again. That was such a fun time.
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