Friday, January 12, 2007

Back to the Bitter Bitter Northland

Well, This is Beej reporting in. Another semester another flock of babes (babies that is, "supposed" triplets to be exact) I was looking over my pictures from the vacation and I noticed that the majority of them focused around the babies which is awesome. School is going well I am excited about my classes. Ashton gave me some more gifts which is very kind for instance a Arab headdress, some HOT sauce among other things. Pictures are forthcoming there.

Snej has successfully recovered from his lazer surgery which is good because now he gets to sport some niiiiice shades. I mean these shades very Beckhamesque and the sweet thing is he got them for free. I'm actually surprised that the advertisements for laser surgery do not mention the fact that you get free shades I mean they really need to work on their marketing. Once again, pictures forthcoming.

It's good to see the twins I wonder how much they enjoyed the game and I will see everybody soon

1 comment:

2x2momma said...

Snej- bring your Beckhamesque glasses to LA- David Beckham just got traded to the Los Angeles Galaxy soccor team! hahahaha!