After shipping our camera to Glasgow....waiting....paying....waiting, we have seen it's return. Tragically, it is still not working. I think Karma is punishing me for not using my camera enough. Now that I don't have it I really, really miss it. Brilliant lesson, thanks Karma, I'll change my ways, time to restore a working camera to the Scotland Schneider household. Anyways, these pics were sent to me by a friend who has good camera Karma.
6 Moms, 8 toddlers, cake, balloons, candles, singing, toys, treats, good time had by all.
Oliver blew out his candles three times just because he wanted to. We all clapped and cheered each time.
Thanks for the birthday pix.
I must say Oliver is the blond version of his dad.
He will grow up to be a handsome man. Watch out!!
Little Oliver is SOOOOOOOO cute!! My goodness, I'm lucky to be his aunty!! He is so intent on the candles and cake, and, in that last picture, with that furrowed brow thing. What a precious one! I love you guys!
Way to go Lil Oliver! You made it to the Terrific Twos with such class!!!
You are beyond cute and anyone who blows out their candles three times is bound for great success in anything he does!
Love and Hugs - Nan
He looks like a real Scot with the blonde hair. What a fun party. Wish we could be there.
Thanx for the great pics.
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