Today a last minute sign-waving got thrown together just a few blocks away from where Linds and I live. On the way home from the doctor's office I gave a huge honk and a wave to our very own Lindsay, waving her heart out with a sign about Prop 8 protecting our freedom of speech! It was a bit dicey I have to say. As we waited for the light to change a woman right next to me in a black Jeep rolled down her window and screamed super loudly 'you ***ing bigots!' I was totally shocked! Ian's gotten similar responses at his sign waving- tons of horrifyingly rude remarks and gestures. He's put up hundreds of Yes on 8 signs with his friends that have gotten ripped down and defaced within hours! I guess ProtectMarriage has recently had to reorder 50000 new sign faces because so many have been stolen and defaced, but the bottom part has been left. It's gotten crazy! An elderly couple was attacked when they put up a yes sign on their lawn, and the No side recently made this ad about how Mormon missionaries are invading peoples homes and teraing up their marriage licenses. At first I thought it was joke, I couldn't believe it when it aired on MSNBC and NBC this morning! So anyways, way to go Linds and Ian both for showing courage in the face of all this aggressive opposition! For people who are into tolerance, this sure isn't the best example to be setting. We find out tonight what happens... keep your fingers crossed! I think we all want this to be over!
We won! Yay for prop! I saw you driving, Meliss, because I had my fellow sign wavers on the lookout for you. Thanks for your support, too! we have all worked so hard, and I am glad the work has paid off. I hope that those who were not supporting Prop 8 will realize that we mean the best for everyone in the long run. There are thousands of citizens from so many walks of life, religious backgrounds, and beliefs who voted yes. The people on either side of me waving signs were Christian and Catholic. This has been an incredibly unifying experience for all who uphold these values.
I'm so proud that members of our family C T R and have the courage to stand up for righteousness. Atta way to go!
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