Monday, September 21, 2009


Some of you know that I've started training for a marathon. I'm not much of a runner and I couldn't make it a half block when I first started. As far as progress goes, I was excited to complete a 12 mile run a couple of weeks ago. Its great to have a long term goal (other than weight loss) and to mark the improvement over time. The running has reminded me of the "On The Way Home" goals we set a few years back. I know that faithfully implementing them will aid you in building up a great deal of spiritual strength and endurance, regardless of where you are starting off at. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well with their goals and is happily engaged!


Bonnie White said...

What are the On The Way HOme WAy HOme Goals?

Coleen said...

Ian - OK now I have no excuse. If someone with your schedule can do this, then so can I....
Bonnie - our On the Way Home goals or the things we do to get 'back home'
Daily scripture reading and prayer and regular temple attendance. Did I remember everything? :)