Thursday, October 22, 2009

Caleb Is Rhyming Me

These two are best buds, but they really know how to push one another's buttons. Its an interesting thing to watch their dynamic grow and change over time. We usually end up with Caleb figuring some way to get Julian upset. My favorite example was this week when Caleb (who has begun to really rhyme in ernest) began finding rhymes for Julian's name. Julian didn't like it, but Caleb wouldn't stop. Julian, very upset by now, said "Dad, Caleb's rhyming me". It was too cute not to note somewhere.


LiNds said...

Being rhymed sounds frustrating, but things could be worse.

LiNds said...

ps- impressive that caleb can rhyme and julian can complain about it- in the kindergarten class where I work they are learning about rhyming.

woozie said...

hahaha. i can't wait to see all the puentes soon!

C.J. Schneider said...

Holy crap! Your kids are advanced.

Eileen Young said...

Tell Caleb Gigi wants to be 'rhymed'I won't complain.
How about Gigi from Figi??

Coleen said...

The photo makes it look like Julian is trying to escape Caleb's shenanigan's! Sorry Julian, but this is all really too cute!