Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oliver's third year of existence

This past year has been a tough year for Oliver. He's had some big changes in his little life. This past year I was going through pregnancy with Ben and Oliver has had to adjust to being stage left rather than centre stage from the beginning of the pregnancy onward. This has been a year of establishing boundaries and rules with corresponding punishments or rewards. It's really been a year of Oliver shedding the baby role and moving towards increased independence and responsibility. I know he's only three but Oliver seems so grown up to me (if I think about it too much I get a bit teary about the whole growing up business). Oliver loves the jobs that we give him - from throwing nappies in the rubbish bin to setting the table for supper. He is such a capable little boy who LOVES to feel that he is contributing to the running of the home. I'm sometimes frustrated at how stubborn he can get when he gets an idea in his head but am mostly pleased to see him get a vision of how he'd like something to be and then go to any lengths to realise that vision. Right now that mostly involves things like the seating plan for FHE, how his cars need to be lined up or the order and pace at which we take our family walks. He's also a very social little guy and runs with a gang of two other boys in his playgroup. I've seen him try to direct other children but he does it very gently usually saying things like "C'mon guys, follow me!" He loves to sing and dance, eat weiners with ketchup and green beans and tries to memorize the lines to the movies he watches. He has been my closest friend here in Aberdeen - we've had so many fun times together. I sure love my little boy.


Coleen said...

Happy Birthday Little Oliver.
You bring so many people so much joy.
I love you lots,

Grampa said...

Happy Birthday, Oliver. I'm so glad we got to know you and spend time with you when we visited. I hope your next year is even better than the last. Watch out for those boundaries.
