So mid April to June is a very exciting time in Canada because of the hockey playoffs. Even when the Edmonton Oilers don't make the playoffs people become obsessed. One will constantly hear the hockey playoffs from the radio when driving in cars, people will skip out of church meetings to see the exciting series between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the underdog Montreal Canadiens being spurred on by their unbelievably stand on his head goaltender Jaroslav Halak. It is exciting to watch hockey because of the unbelievable grit and heart that you see some of the players exhibit like one player who got hit in the mouth with an opposing player's stick skated over to the bench and while the trainer was assessing the damage this player reached into his mouth and pulled out one of his teeth. He stopped the bleeding and then was out on the ice for his next shift. The intensity and the determination of the players when time is running down and they are still seeking for the tying goal is the most exciting and just doesn't quite compare to NBA or NFL or even March Madness (MLB playoffs gets close but still doesn't quite get there either) in this writer's humble opinion.
Here's a list of suggestions to fully enjoy a good playoff game
1) disconnect the phone and turn off all cell phones
2) be sure to learn the player's names and vocally abuse them everytime they make a bad play ie) For the Canadiens I like to pick on Bergeron a short defensive men who is prone to always give the puck away (similar to what hecklers do at minor league baseball games)
3) Make fun of the commentators as well ie) Pierre McGuire (I think he has a man crush on Dion Phaneuf)
4) Select a good group of 4-8 people to watch the game with don't want a group that's too big or too small
5) Girls can ruin the occasion but not always so if they don't like hockey and find themselves rolling their eyes alot and generally not enjoying themselves they should withdraw and take their negative vibes with them they shouldn't pretend and should go shopping or something instead (no offense to those women who actually enjoy hockey)
6) At some point in your life try to watch an Oilers game or a playoff hockey game with one Spencer Eliot Young. His ability to analyze the game put's Bob Cole, Kevin Weekes, Kelly Hrudey and especially Pierre McGuire to shame, his ability to heckle players is unparalleled as he sometimes goes out of his way to research players personal lives to make his heckling and insults particularly poignant and jarring
7) Join a fantasy hockey league to learn more about who good and surprise players are and to see how they do in the playoffs.
8) If not sure who to cheer for cheer for the Canadian teams (luckily this doesn't involve having to cheer for the Flames this year) as they almost always become the underdogs and the last time a Canadian team won was almost 20 years ago.
Alright I gotta go
And to think I thought a Schneider could go an entire hockey post without making a jab at the Flames. I should have known better.
Beej, this is so hilarious and even more so because its so true.
Good thing there's not too much of an overlap between playoffs and final exams. What would you do?
i would be one to choose shopping over hockey, unless there was a good group of 4-8 or i was watching with SEY. I think fantasy hockey is cool, though- SGF (my Spencer) does fantasy Bball with his friends and it seems like a fun game.
"his ability to heckle players is unparalleled as he sometimes goes out of his way to research players personal lives to make his heckling and insults particularly poignant and jarring"
I laughed out loud when I read this!
It sounds like you've been getting a healthy dose of girl viewers this year (SAL gals by any chance?) and not enough of SEY in the playoffs. Re mom's comment though I remember Spencer saying if there was a choice between not finishing his degree and following an Oilers run to the Cup he would have to think long and hard about which path to take.
Spencer if you are reading this and the rumors of you coming to Edmonton for the summer are true it would be a privilege and an honour to watch play-off hockey with you.
you are hilarious Beej
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