The first clue- explained we were going on a treasure hunt, that we had a chauffeur, and where to go first!
Sure enough, Spencer's roommate who we called 'Jeeves' was there to take us to our first spot! We enjoyed chatting about why this place was significant to Spence and I.

My roommate came up as we entered the first restaurant we went to together, and handed us... a clue! Yay... we were on the right track and it was wonderful to see her...

Our buddy who we have gone for lunch with and viewed Basketball games with, (up close!) met us at our next stop- The Troubadour, where we saw a few bands play one fun night...

We kept on the music theme and went to the Walt Disney Concert Hall, where Spence and I saw the LA Philharmonic on Valentine's weekend. We were greeted and presented with our 4th clue!

One of 'the brethren,' Spencer's old time group of friends, was at the stadium, where we stopped next. His was the only car in fact! There was no game that night. We were happy to have found the spot where he could give us clue #5! Success!

Yay for friends in plotted places! The final clue led me down the steps from the pier to... the beach! I spotted my Spence as I peered over the railing, and it was an exciting moment! He looked spiffy!!

Spencer was so sweet in his proposal that I started to cry with joy when I said yes. Here we are right after it happened.

Wow! How romantic. I have always enjoyed treasure hunts. Remember at our family reunion last year when you made the clues for the treasures in the garden?. I still have them.(This was our activity for charity) Fun. I am glad you were able to follow the clues - what if you missed out & found someone else?? Disaster. Lovely blog - keep it for your posterity. So, Spencer is also a writer pf mysteries?
It sounds like it would be an awesome way to be proposed to!
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