Last week I got the chance to stay in Vancouver for a few days for a course. I had heard a lot about Vancouver even before the Olympics but have never really got the chance to stay for very long. I think as a family we only ever went a couple times to visit Janice & Andy but they didn't ever live in proper Vancouver if I remember we never really did long visits anyways. But as for the city on the whole I was really impressed - the downtown area is very lively and busy with an interesting mix of old and new buildings. The rest of the city from what I saw seemed very international, especially Asian and the first Tim Horton's I went into had pretty much all Asian workers which seemed to underscore that point. Also the fact that there are so many recreational activities and mountains so close adds another dimension to an already impressive city which also seems to be growing. So after seeing a lot of Seattle it was interesting to compare Vancouver which must have been even more impressive to visit during the Olympics.
Glad you had the chance to see a vibrant city & take a course. Are you aware Aaron & Patti live in Port Moody which is really a suburb of Vancouver. We are very proud of you & the progress you are making in your career.
Vancouver is a pretty cool city. In my experience Asians work in Tim Hortons everywhere. I remember going to one where they had a sign that said something like "dear customer please be patient with our staff as many of them are still learning english" or something to that effect. Just helps you understand how Tim Hortons provides everything so cheap.
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