Ever since Charla joined the family, we've all been enjoying her fun, optimistic nature and her adventurousness. You are amazing Char! I love you lots and am so glad we can all see you more often now. I hope you have an awesome birthday with your boys (Jordan included)!!
I know this is an old picture but I really love it of both Char and Oliver. Anyways, here's Charla's answers to her birthday questions!
1. How old are you turning this year? 33
2. What is your favorite food? Indian
3. What is your most frequently purchased grocery item? milk/eggs/bread
4. What is your bedtime routine like: I brush my teeth, wash my face, moisturize, then pillow talk until Jordan politely tells me to shut-up and go to sleep.
5. What are three things you absolutely have to do every day? eat, pray, love
6. What do you listen to most (artist, radio station/program, podcast)? I have a bunch of playlists set up through playlist.com - I play music a lot. When we have clean up time Oliver always requests our clean up music...ABBA.
7. What’s one skill you wish you had? I'd like to be good at gardening
8. What skill are you most proud of? I wouldn't say I'm proud of my sense of humour but I think it takes practise to be good humoured and it has sure come in handy in my life.
9. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? Cuba
10. What is your favorite place you’ve been?Ok - I had to name at least three:
Dirt road, outside a village in Ghana by myself
Shabby hotel in Rome with Jordan
Hospital room after giving birth with Oliver and Benjamin
11. What are three of your favorite books? East of Eden, Isaiah, The Help
12. If you had to buy any magazine what would it be? A cooking mag
13. What is one thing that gets on your nerves? Whining
14. What is your favorite sport to watch or play? I really get into soccer but only during the World Cup
15. What do you love to do when you have nothing to do? I like to read, write, watch movies or TV shows. I also like just being still and giving some attention to my thoughts.
16. What are three things you wish you had? More energy, more money, time travel machine.
17. What is your favorite treat? Cheesecake cupcakes
18. What are a few things you hope to accomplish or learn this year? I hope to accomplish a lovely happy year for myself, Jord and the boys.
19. What are your favorite things to watch (tv show/movie)? I don't usually stick with anything for a long time - I liked watching The Waltons for a while then I really got into Thirtysomething which I loved. I like watching shows/movies that are meaningful to me.
20. What are your three most visited websites (besides facebook/email). I read cooking blogs quite a bit. Currently I've been trying to learn about yogi wisdom and buddhism. For a laugh I visit 'Seriously so blessed' and 'My religious blog'
Char Happy Birthday! I'm not sure when I was smitten completely by your delightful personality: when you and Jord were singing Beatles songs at Thanksgiving or when you provided very detailed feedback for my writing. You are sunshine and fresh air. I hope you have a wonderful year.
Happy Birthday Charla! Obviously, you have many fans. Include me in that group. I hope your birthday is spectacular. Looking forward to your visit next week!
Hope your year is the greatest ever, Char. I had no idea that Indian is your favorite type of food. You cook so many different styles (all delicious) that it must be tough to choose.
I think it's cool that you like cooking magazines and cooking blogs! Someday it is my goal to learn how to cook better, maybe I can get some tips from you. And I'll have to check out some of those blogs. Love you lots, hope you have an awesome birthday tomorrow!
Char! Happy happy Happy day! - everything will be in threes for you this year :) Wish I could be there to give you a big hug - I didn't know that you watched Thirtysomething. I used to watch that when I stayed up late with Baby Woozl. That show spoke to me..
As do you. Love you and so glad you're in the fam.
Happy Birthday Charla! I can tell you really like Ghana since you talked about living there when we watched them play during the world cup. That is cool that a village in Ghana is one of your favorite places.
Happy Birthday Charla! I love your sense of humour and your persistence in making book club happen. I'm excited to see you and all the boys over the holidays. I hope you have a great birthday.
I'm glad that a skill you wish you had is gardening. Me too!!!! I've tried a couple of times but I've found that I don't have the ability to care for plants everyday. Hopefully I will be able to get better though.
Happy Birthday Char! You are such a dear and loving inspiration and I'm so glad Jordan married you. I've been reading up on Buddhism lately too- we'll have to chat when we see you next week. ;) Have a good one and an amazing year.
Happy birthday Char! It's been nice to start to get to know you since my entrance into the family.
Time machines would be nice. They'd let you skip over mistakes that you made. Though sometimes the mistakes are what need to happen. I guess you should be careful on what things you change. Unless you're just being a tourist to cool historical events. Then it'd be pretty sweet.
Thank you Char for a great year of travel (particularly to the Walden of Rocky Mountain House), overseas moving adventures, good jokes and great times. I wish you another great year and have a happy birthday!
I love that you're such a joy to talk to- about anything! When we're having a conversation, the simplest thing comes up and suddenly it's so interesting and exciting with you and I see the world in a new way. I love that. Love ya and happy birthday!
Thanks so much for all your birthday wishes. It was so lovely to read your comments of love and appreciation - I love and appreciate you all as well.
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