Now what are we going to do? Rach turning 20 means no more teenagers in the fam :) :( Here's 20 questions for our twenty year old. Choose one of your favorite answers and tell us what you think. Happy, Happy Birthday! Have the best one ever! We love you Rach!
1. How old are you turning this year? 20! Not a teenager anymore!
2. What is your favorite food? I love all Mexican food and Indian food.
3. What is your most frequently purchased grocery item? Fruit and honey roasted honey bunches of oats- my favorite cereal.
4. What is your bedtime routine like: I basically roll into bed at the last second after everyone in my apartment has gone to bed. I’ll read some scriptures, pray, and fall asleep.
5. What are three things you absolutely have to do every day? Listen to music, talk to friends and/or family (whether at school or far away), and check e-mail and facebook.
6. What do you listen to most (artist, radio station/program, podcast)? Radiohead or the Shins, both of which are bands.
7. What’s one skill you wish you had? I wish I were an amazing ballroom dancer!
8. What skill are you most proud of? Playing the violin
9. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? New Zealand and Australia
10. What is your favorite place you’ve been? The UK. I love the people, the culture, the history, and the landscape. I also really enjoyed going to Vietnam and Cambodia.
11. What are three of your favorite books? Pride and Prejudice, Welcome to the Monkey House, and The Time Traveler’s Wife. All are very different genres but I really got caught up in each of them.
12. If you had to buy any magazine what would it be? In Style or some other fashion magazine.
13. What is one thing that gets on your nerves? I very much dislike it when people are overly arrogant or cocky.
14. What is your favorite sport to watch or play? I love running and playing/watching soccer.
15. What do you love to do when you have nothing to do? I love to read! I never seem to have time for it anymore though.
16. What are three things you wish you had? I wish I had a cool convertible, a golden retriever puppy, and a plane ticket to New Zealand.
17. What is your favorite treat? I love Ben and Jerry’s icecream or Rolo cookies.
18. What are a few things you hope to accomplish or learn this year? I hope to get good grades in all my classes and learn a lot of interesting things!
19. What are your favorite things to watch (tv show/movie)? I love the show Arrested Development and some of my favorite movies are Star Wars, Zoolander, and Lord of the Rings.
20. What are your three most visited websites (besides facebook/email). Probably the BYU website, Schneidremarks, and Youtube.
Happy Birthday Rach! I like that you are most proud of being able to play the violin. It is pretty amazing how you have stuck with it all these years.
Happy Birthday Rachel! I'd love to get down to Australia and New Zealand. Perhaps we can all go down together?
That's so interesting that The Monkey House is one of your favorite books. I've started a book club and the first thing we're discussing is Harrison Bergeron. I didn't know you liked reading Kurt Vonnegut! Happy Birthday Rach, I hope one day you realize your dream of being an incredible dancer and float up to the ceiling with your passion and talent without being shot down dead by the general of some central committee.
In your honor I googled Radiohead and Shins. A coincidence that Radiohead is from your favorite travel place and that the Shins are based in the Pacific Northwest?
When you were living at home I loved that you loved so many different kinds of music.
You also love so many different types of experiences and are so open and understanding. May all your birthday dreams come true Woozen!
Happy Birthday Rachel! Sounds like your days are busy right now. My thoughts are with you as you wind up the semester and have to take finals! I saw Tom York at the British Museum in London. I will never forget the look we exchanged- I saw him and recognized him, and he kind of looked at me like- I think you recognize me, are you going to come up to me and go crazy? But I didn't and he looked relieved and kind of smiled. I can't say they're my fav, but it's cool they went to Oxford!! Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday, Rach. It's good to see that you're still into soccer. I remember you were an awesome player as a Stingray. You probably could've made pro if Betsy didn't hog the ball all the time. We have a lot of soccer players in the family now. We need to have a tournament at the next family reunion. You're the greatest.
I hope you read the e-mail I sent you - it is yours only - but you may share.
You are amazing,
Grannie xo
Happy Birthday Woozie!
I love that one of your favorite types of food is Mexican! It is by far the best food on the planet. Hopefully we can make some over the holdays because that would be fun. Or maybe we can convince mom and dad to go to a good mexican place or start a new christmas tradition involving Mexican food. Good luck with finals and see you in a couple of weeks.
Happy Birthday Woozie. Haha that's funny that you're hooked on honey bunches as well, I missed those loads when we were in the UK but have kind of gotten into them again, maybe it's because there were too many boxes of them that made their way through the house when we were younger!
Thanks so much for all the Bday wishes! You guys are the best family everrr :) It was a really fun birthday! I loved reading these comments on the things I like, and I can't wait to learn more about everyone else.
(We have internet at home now yay!) Yes you inspire me with your running- this summer you were so diligent with that. I also trust your taste in reading! I think I boobeshayed one of your library books if I recall... haha'Life of Pi...' a goody. so I'll have you know I just requested the two you like from the library. Love you! Thanks for being so awesome.
Feliz cumpleanos! I love it that you watch soccer and the World Cup Watch Party we had at my place last summer. So we'll have to plan a trip to World Cup 2014 in Brazil, that'll be an incredible party!!!
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