Well it has been a long time since I posted something so that's what I am doing now even though I don't really have anything exciting. Basically I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your congratulations on my LSAT. Momma said I should try to tell "the story of the LSAT" although it still remains somewhat of a mystery I will try my best to highlight what happened I hope that Goo can bear with me because I think she has already heard this story. So, as I think all of you are aware I took the LSAT in Oct. 2007 and got trounced pretty bad I did quite poorly and I was pretty disappointed. Although Mom and Dad attribute my dismal score to the fact that I went on the Great American Road Trip through the southern states about a month before I took the test, I had studied quite hard and thought I was prepared for the test. I attribute my poor score to a really bad case of the nerves and also a false sense of security, low expectations and to be honest it is still somewhat of a mystery why I stunk it up so bad the first time. Anyways, the fact of the matter is I did stink oh yeah and I also screwed up on my answer sheet which cost me about 4points. I guess filling in the bubbles on my answer sheet was a daunting task which I could not successfully complete.
The second time I began preparing was alot different because although I spent a lot of time getting ready, I didn't spend nearly as much time as the first time I began to prepare for my LSAT. I felt my brain was quicker though and I didn't really have to relearn anything despite about a 10 month hiatus it didn't take long get back in the LSAT groove. Strangely I realized that I got progressively better at the Logic Games and the Reading Comprehension sections I mean I was no Ian Puente but I noticed that somehow I really started to get good at those sections which was strange because they were the sections that I practiced the least.
Anyways, now for the clincher and what I think was the most mysterious part of the whole experience. Dad and I decided that I should get a blessing before I took the test so he gave me a blessing. Moments after Dad gave me the blessing it seemed like a light when on in his head and he suddenly said "You know I think I have some drugs that might help" and I said "drugs?" knowing full well that every LSAT prep book specifically advised taking any drugs of any sort for the LSAT (although they also talk about drinking lots of water, wearing extra layers in case you get cold in the room they almost set the LSAT up as a camping trip to the mountains in which you won't return unless you do what they say, you could say they're a little excessive).
Despite my skepticism this light in Juice's head seemed like revelation I mean he had just given me a blessing and IMMEDIATELY afterwards started pitching this drug idea, so I very articulately said "uhhhh yeah OK maybe, we'll see." He said the drugs would help me relax, stop sweaty palms and perspiration in general. At first I thought it might not be a good idea I kind of prefer the holistic homeostatic approach but I tried it and it did not negatively affect my thought process so I decided hey I need all the help I can get.
The morning of the test I popped these "little blue helpers," (they were actually blue and little) went for a quick run got my stuff together and I was nervous again because I thought I just might be meeting my maker again on this test. But, the drugs were crazy, I finished every section of the test early, I didn't quite feel like I was in lala land but it was this bizarre feeling of being really relaxed and subdued but also very very focussed. I triple checked my answer sheet to make sure I didn't screw up.
Upon finishing the test I knew I had done better than the first time but I was still unsure about how good. Three weeks later, my friend Dave Hirsche texted me saying that the LSAT scores had been posted and wanted to know how I did. When I saw the result at first I did not belief it because in the 35 or so practice tests I had taken over my two years of preparing for the LSAT I had only done as well as they were saying I did two times. Despite being 1:45 in the morning I shouted for joy and ran around the entire block, dogs started barking, lights were turned on but I didn't really care too much. I was extremely relieved and I was glad that I could finally put my LSAT demons to rest. That is basically the story of the LSAT I still won't be able to get into the top law schools but I am pretty sure that I will at least get accepted for law school somewhere.
What's the moral of the story? If you have a big test ask Dad for drugs, maybe the effect of the drugs were just psychological hey maybe they were even placebos but it don't matter I'm sure Juice can hook you up with whatever you need. Dad I never thought I would ever say this but thanks for the drugs and if they were placebos you are a genius! Thanks everyone for your help and once again thanks for the congratulations.
Cali crew good work on Prop. 8 I've been following that pretty closely in the papers, I find it to be fascinating. Snejo I hope that you are all done your tests. That's all I got hopefully I'll get to talk to you guys soon.