Monday, May 31, 2010

two Dr Olivers?

I realise that there is only one hope left for another doctor in the family and I think we all know I'm talking about wee Woozie. I doesn't bode well that we have kept hearing about how Grannie has failed to get that long sought after engineer amongst her own grandkids and has had to settle for a "grandson-in-law" as consolation (although I suppose Peter and Hugo could still have a good shot at it). But after seeing how interested little Oliver has been in the human body, who knows maybe there could be two Dr Olivers at some point in the future. A while back we figure he had seen a show on TV or something because he came to Char saying Mommy I have bones all over my body, you have bones and dado and Ben have bones and he explained a bit about what he learned about bones. I think he even impressed Gramps over the weekend with some of the parts of the body and bones that he knew but I thought it was pretty intriguing the other day when he came up to me, hoping to get retribution for Ben had done and said, "Dado, Ben grabbed my neck vertebrae." So maybe give him a bit more time and he'll be on his way to joining Gramps and perhaps Woozie?


woozie said...

Haha that's great to hear that we have another potential doctor in the family. I mean hopefully things will work out for me to be one and then we can have one in each generation :)

Grampa said...

I was very impressed that Oliver knew the names of some of the bones like "femur" and "tibia". It's never too early to start learning anatomy.

mrpuente said...

I'm hoping little Oliver won't be the only one of this new generation to be doctors. I'm pushing for every Puente boy to be one.

beej11 said...

woweee high expectations for the little tykes i like it i like it

beej11 said...

if i could do it over again i would insist that mom and dad get me to learn human anatomy so that i could have been a doctor too