Happy Birthday Beej!!
John, if a picture tells a thousand words, then I'd say this one tells the story of your past year, like this... You're climbing a mountain in a place you've never been before but always wanted to get to. The going is tough but you're smiling. It seems like you're up for the challenge and perhaps searching for more new adventures.
That has proven true this year. You've found ways to experience so many new adventures, like the mountaineering class in the Rockies, exploring the Atacama with Dad and Rach, translating for Elder Schneider's friends in and near Santiago, making your dream of traveling to Peru happen, starting law school, coaching a junior high boy's basketball team, taking on the Wapta Ice Fields, and trying your hand at yet another new thing -- curling!
In one of your rare moments when you were telling me the details of one of your adventures - the Wapta Ice Fields - you described how you practiced rescuing your buddies from an ice crevice. Hearing the details (traumatic as it was for me) made me realize that even though you're up for adventure you not only expect challenges, you know how to deal with them.
I believe that comes from trusting in a power greater than yourself.
You will go far. You already have.
Happy Birthday! Have the best year ever!
You are soooo loved by sooo many
For a guy born on Friday the thirteenth you've come a long way. We love you. Go Beej.
Wow, kudos to you Beej. I am proud of you and everything you do and are. I sure brag about you here in LA... it's fun to be a proud older sister. Happy Happy bday! Love ya!
HAPPY BIRRRRTHDAY BEEJ!!! Wow it really is amazing how many things you've accomplished even in just the last year! It's really awesome that you are so passionate about the outdoors. I know that will drive you to accomplish many more great things! Good luck in law school Beej, I'm really proud of you!
Love, Wooz
Happy Birthday Beej! Congratulations on your big day! We love you so much and can't wait to see you. Here's to another amazing year...
"One must never cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive at the place where we began, and to know that place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
"Happy Birthday Beej!"
Congratulations John! Many happy returns and keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Beej! Hope everything goes well for you this year.
Hey I just remembered that in that conversation with Beej he taught me that when a crevice is part of a glacier it's called a crevasse - accent on second syllable. Did I get that right, Birthday Boy Beej? :)
Happy Birthday Beej! hopefully we can go ice climbing with you sometime this next year now that we're sure that you could bail us out if we ever get in trouble.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys last year was a good year but I think this year can be even better as long as I don't fail my finals which is seeming more and more possible .......... and as long as I don't find a wife haha jokes but for real.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys last year was a good year but I think this year can be even better as long as I don't fail my finals which is seeming more and more possible .......... and as long as I don't find a wife haha jokes but for real.
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