This was my first Easter away from home, and at first I was a little sad to be missing out on the dinner and Easter treats and all the other amazing perks of Easter. We didn't even get any school off, and this is BYU! Little did I know that I would in fact get an Easter basket! (Thanks to Mom and Dad when they came the previous weekend.) I also didn't know that I would have a great family Easter dinner as well. Sydney and I made a lovely dinner complete with ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, and frozen raspberry cheesecake. We invited Rico over and were very lucky to have Janine join us too, as she was in town for conference! The food turned out well and it was great to still have an Easter with family and I hope we can continue the tradition.
I like the looks of your table setting for your Easter dinner with the placement of the serviettes - cool. Grandpa and I had our Easter dinner for two after Conference - delicioso! I will email you a picture to show you our decorations for Easter.
Thanks for posting. Are you studying for your exams? Wish all of you the best of luck - David, Sydney, and YOU.
Love to all
Looks like good times! I wish I could have been there to have this 'cousin dinner'- (that's what we called those times when Em, Jord, Nae, Beej, Katie, Spence, Jaima, Mercedes, Rax, or any combo of us + friends) had a dinner together! Nice work on the menu! That's a real traditional dinner!
Great work, guys. Maybe next time you can have the 12 eggs with the 3 dimes, dice, empty tomb, etc.
I've been surprised too at how Easter didn't seem to be a big deal at BYU, and of course exacerbated by the fact that you don't have mom around to make the holidays fun ;) But you did an amazing job of making it special. One of the fun things of being on your own- you can make up your own traditions!!
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