I was driving today when John Lennon's song - Imagine - came on the radio. It has such a beautifully simple and comforting melody. I turned up the volume and allowed my mind to imagine as he once invited the world to do. I imagined all that he suggested I imagine and then the thought came to me that this man must of been totally high when he wrote this ridiculous version of utopia.
"All the people living for today" Is he suggesting that taking away accountability and consequence would actually bring the world more peace? I get that it's good to live in the now but to pretend that now aught to be totally disconnected to future happiness(heaven) or woe(hell)is shortsighted and childish.
No countries??? So he likes the idea of anarchy. Anarchy might work out well for those with big muscles or guns but what about the elderly, the sick, the women and children..... Oh, wait I guess he's assuming that everyone in this society is perfect, loving and self sacrificing....even though they live for today.....and there is no such thing as heaven -or religion to teach people how to try to live in harmony.
No possessions - this is my favorite. So everyone is just living...where? No possessions means no homes, no tools, no clothes. How would anyone physically survive that? How would anyone make it through a winter? How on earth would that bring peace? People would be fighting to the death over the few berries they could find. But wait didn't he also say there was no hunger or greed?
Basically I pictured this world of his and it was the scariest place imaginable. I think he was actually just dreaming of death because that's the only way all of his dreams could possibly be realized. This seems like the ultimate escape fantasy. Instead of slugging through the trenches of life, Lennon wishes there were no trenches. As Steinbeck rightly penned "There is more beauty in the truth, even if it is a dreadful beauty. The storytellers at the city gate twist life so that it looks sweet to the lazy and the stupid and the weak, and this only strengthens their infirmities and teaches nothing, cures nothing, nor does it let the heart soar." (East of Eden)
Imagine there's no heaven
No hell below us
Imagine all the people Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace...
Imagine no possessions
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
Haha... love the analysis of the song. I love the Beattles and other bands that come on the radio because teh melodies are catchy, but yea, sometimes I really listen to the lyrics and I have moments like your too where I think, 'wait, what?'
Yeah I guess Lennon didn't really think through the consequences of what his dream would entail. As you've pointed out it clearly has some flaws, what I like to focus on is how some of the things he mentions ie) world peace, no poverty, no hunger etc. we should and will hopefully obtain. The big difference is he doesn't believe in religion because it is a source of great conflict and does more harm than good but the irony is that it will be through religion, and only religion, that world peace can be obtained. There is nothing else that would be able to unite the world together as one outside of religion. So it's kinda like Lennon wants the good without having to experience the bad, he wants a beautiful delicious cake without having to crack some eggs, spill some flour and make a mess which clearly is not possible. So in short I like his message of world peace but I think he's a littl misguided as to how we can get there. Sorry long comment
So many like the sound of a particular catchy tune -but when we have analysts like you - watch out.
I'm grateful for such high caliber of comments - right in my own family. Remember President Hinckley's comment: titillating, sleazy etc.
Kudos to my grandchildren. Message is very important- so let's listen for it - especially in today's musi and turn off what we know is downgrading.
Love to all
Wow, great post. The trenches stink, but we wouldn't even know what peace was without them. I love your East of Eden quote, I think ti's applicable to sooooo many things in life.
You are so inspiring!
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