On early mornings Ian is the first one to get out of bed. Usually I find evidence of his dawn 'campout' with the early-riser boys lined up on the floor: Caleb's bed blanket next to a blanket Ian pulled out of the closet next to Julian's bed blanket. Looks like too much fun, although experience tells me that's not necessarily true ;) When Caleb and Julian can no longer be contained, Ian will get Jack and Christian out of their cribs where he is greeted with delighted 'da' glees. He is usually the one to change their almost unfailingly morning poppy diapers (yes, poppy). He always does it with a lot of tickles and silly talk and kisses. I used to wonder why he didn't hurry through the dreaded task like I usually do, but I see the wisdom of his ways... the kids giggle and laugh and thoroughly enjoy their time with him. He often plays scary monster, gorilla, and horse next which gets everybody in a really good mood for the day. I'd like to say that while he's doing this I'm editing or making breakfast or doing something else productive, which is often the case, but often I've also just stayed up late the night before and Ian is sweetly giving me a little extra time to wake up.
Ian is there in the morning to help us read scriptures, say our prayers, and eat breakfast before rushing out the door to a job that he works hard to support our family at. I love that he's started taking swimming lessons this year. He never really learned to swim when he was a kid, and it's always something he hasn't felt very confident at so lately he's decided to do something about it. At the age of 35 Ian signed up for swimming lessons and is really loving them. He goes a couple times a week during his lunch hour to the community college. Ian is so good at setting goals and following through with them- everything from running his marathon to getting our family eating fresh, organic, local veggies (and making the most amazing kale waffles!!) to reading his scriptures, coming up with the idea to do service projects and blood drives in our stake (we just had one this weekend that gathered enough blood to keep a four year old with leukemia supplied for six months! It wouldn't have happened without Ian) and pushing through with his film projects and making amazing progress with them.
When Ian comes home in the evening his four little boys coming running to the door shouting 'daddy!' It's so cute to see Jack running saying 'hi da! hi da!' and every one of them gives him a hug and a kiss before wrestling with him so more. I love that we get to eat dinner with him. He is my equal partner in getting everyone to bed.
We definitely have our challenges- kids pitching large objects off the balcony and getting scolded for having too many strollers is the first of many, many that come to mind- but I know that temporary challenges are all going to be OK with the best father, husband and my very best friend on our side, laughing with us and taking care of us.
I've loved reading about your goals achieved... I especially found your marathon run inspiring.
Ian I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday Ian and hope you have another wonderful year ahead.
Happy Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for your example!
You sure had a lot to celebrate this past year Ian! And I'm sure there'll be lots of reasons for celebrating in the year ahead. Thanks for being such an awesome son-in-law. Love you lots! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Ian!!! Hope you had a great day. And wow you did a lot of amazing things this year, you are so awesome and inspiring!
Thank you for the well wishes and the gracious words. I had a fantastic birthday weekend. Melissa and the boys treated me very well.
Glad to hear the birthday went well. All the best for the years ahead. We love you.
Happy Belated Ian! Sounds like you balance every area of your life quite well. Hope you have another great year.
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