Friday, January 5, 2007

momma ella

a couple days ago Jord, Char, Linds, me and the 'triplets' hit Roscoe's house of chicken and wings for some juicy chicken breasts buried in melt-in-your-mouth gravy and perfectly crisp waffles slathered with butter and syrup. mmmm. as we were diggin in, Caleb kept staring at our waitress, momma ella. She said 'we couldn't tell her those babies weren't triplets' and was smitten with Caleb and asked to get a picture of herself with him. to be fair, I think that she thought we were asking us if she wanted to take a picture with him (we were asking if she would take a picture of us) but anyways, Caleb and moma ella are now captured forever with the magic of digital imagery dancing cheek to cheek. i kind of freaked out when she picked him up- waitressing is not the most hygenic job- and after she left we gave him a good wipe down. then we went back to our delicious chicken and waffles.
not sure whey jord didn't make it into the shot ;)

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