Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunshine - Book bashing

I just looked in the mirror and found that my face had ugly, huge, black mascara streaks freakishly framing my innocent eyes. Innocent? Yes. I innocently picked up a book wrongly entitled "Sunshine"- I thought it would be an uplifting and inspiring account of a woman and her deep love for her baby and husband. Yes, it's true that I had read on the cover that she had cancer but I decided to read anyway, hoping for some life affirming truths that would seem to glisten as new snow especially when stumbled upon on the way to the grave. Did I find what I was looking for???? NO. No I did not. WHO thinks it's a good idea to write a book that just leaves you with depression and mascara streaks. I can't remember feeling so down after reading a book....wait, no, my memory is fishing...... Actually, I can remember one other book. The name? "Charly". ALSO, about a woman who is fiercely in love and then..... yup that's right, cancer. I don't remember alot about "Charly" but this book "Sunshine" was just a hugely sad, sad, sad account of a woman slowly pounding out - with pain, impatience and anger - the last days of her life. All I'm saying is this: if any one of you decide to write another book about some broad with cancer - you'd better be thinking of a way to write in a cure.

1 comment:

2x2momma said...

i got a big laugh out of this post...