Dad and I are on Mercer Island right now and last night was one of our favorite nights of the year - the famous MI Ward Trunk or Treat Party. It's where the whole ward shows up in costume and eats Halloween food and plays games and then goes outside to pass out candies from their decorated car trunks to all the little trick or treaters.
For Halloween junkies like myself it's a night to look forward to. One year John went as Darth Maul and Rico as the young Obi-Wan. They tried to talk Rach into going as Princess Amidala but she refused and went as a hippie instead. She regrets that decision to this day :) BTW - all the little kids were deathly afraid of Darth Maul so they had a hard time taking candy from him. So John and Rico had to eat it all. And the year Rico went as 'Rico' was another very memorable Trunk or Treat.
For the last - I swear - TEN YEARS!! - I've either been in charge of this fabulous evening of entertainment or at least a major part of it. It's always an unbelievable amount of work organizing food, games, decorations publicity, etc for a party for 100. So it felt sooo good last night showing up with only one little assignment - and that was to bring our big black plastic cauldron to use as a punch bowl. It was a really relaxing evening!
It was a very fun time. It's so great to see how excited the little kids get. Interestingly, it has never been rained out since we've been going.
I miss trunk or treat days! I'm glad you could relax this year though! And true story about my regret of not being Princess Amidala :) Oh well!
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