Every ride is an adventure. One time I met a little white haired lady at the bus stop. She didn't have a bus pass or enough change (has to be exact) to get on the bus. But she did have 5 quarters. And I had 5 quarters. I gave them to her and she was so happy that she gave me a $2 coupon to Baskin and Robbins that she found at the bottom of her purse. Wonder what'll happen tomorrow on my way to catch my flight to Edmonton...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sweet Deal
Working with Les Sykes
So this past week I have worked with the living legend Les Sykes. He has been remodeling the Belgravia home and I have been able to lend him a hand. I have learned how to put siding on a house, install door knobs, and do other kind of house stuff. Les has been helping remodel or fix things around our home for probably 15 years since he did stuff at the Brander Gardens house. Les knows how to fix and make anything. He has built his own home, he can fix computers, and he can fix cars. Les could basically could get himself out of any mechanical job, just like McGyver.
My first Edmonton Capitals game

So Jordan, Spencer, Oliver, and myself went to a baseball game. The Edmonton Capitals are the local baseball team here, they are not in the minor league system they are in fact part of the Golden Baseball League (yes that is the real name of the league). It was a good game, but the Capitals could not hold onto their lead and ended up losing to the Calgary Vipers 10-8. Oh well, guess they will have better luck later. Telus field is where the Capitals play and the stadium is pretty small so any seat is a good seat and tickets are only $10.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Man down...I repeat...we have a man down...

When we got home this afternoon, Oliver had ice cream all over his face and hands. And as soon as I got him wiped off I turned a movie on and we snuggled together on the couch. The reason for my pampering involves a broken guitar string, an electrical socket and an irrepressible curiosity to know what happens if I stick this in here....
As I approached the front desk of the Medi Centre, Oliver was waving his electrical burns in the air and complaining of both the pain he felt and the fact that he wanted to sit up on the desk. I had my arms full of Benjamin and was still feeling like a terrible mother for not having all the electrical outlets in the house covered up. I was upset to say the least.
Enter beautiful angel.
This older woman jumped up, gently grabbed Oliver and sat him up on the desk. She smiled a refreshing smile and told Oliver how he was going to be just fine. She continued to stay with us until we were directed to the doctor's room which she carried Oliver to. I was so overcome with gratitude for this woman who just jumped into my life, and who sensitively responded to a situation which was greatly improved because she acted. It may not seem like that was a big deal, but it was to me. I always find kindness and random acts of generosity, like spotting a deer in the forest, breathtaking.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Pig Roast
So partially as an effort to up my posts but mostly to get some ideas from family members. I was thinking we could throw some ideas about what to do for the Family Reunion. My vote is we do a pig roast. This way Momma has an easy way of looking at ideas for what we could do. Let's just say roasting an entire pig has been a dream of mine and roasted pig is incredibly delicious. I'm just saying ......
Baldness: Disease, Curse, Blessing or what?
So I was sitting with Ian and Melissa and the gang for breakfast yesterday and somehow the conversation turned to baldness and how the boys were going to encounter the genetic equivalent of "the perfect storm" given their bald familial predecessors. I thought about how sad it will be when Action Jackson loses his lushous locks and Chrissie's curls face the onslaught of cruel merciless genetic science as it goes to work on his scalp. I also thought about how Julian and Caleb will have to confront this challenge and hoped that it would be later rather than sooner. At which time Ian and Melissa both nonchalantly observed that my hair was thinning a bit since the last time I saw them. At first I didn't really believe it and just thought they were maybe joking or something but then I realized oh no they weren't! I tried to keep my regular calm cool demeanor but inside I was deeply troubled there was no denying it.
The rest of the day was spent thinking about the slow, steady erosion of my hair follicles by the crown of my head and thinking why? I swear I could feel the thinning spot on my head tingle as my precious hair was rapidly fleeing from my head to seek out new, youthful more exciting and rich heads of hair. Every once in awhile I would put my hand to my hair to try to feel if indeed my hair was thinning and sadly indeed it was. I didn't understand. I was supposed to be safe. Guido was supposed to ensure a progeny of men with long lushous locks until middle age and beyond. Grandpa is no slouch either having held on to a respectable amount of hair into his 80s. I guess I got an extra helping of Schneider genes which is both a blessing and a curse. And why before I was married I mean come on?
The sad reality is it is a fact I will one day probably be bald (It's still early who knows maybe my hair will stick around) but there are no guarantees. I guess what I am saying is it was an unpleasant surprise and I thought I was safe. Baldness strikes many different men at different stages and at varying degrees some people know that it is likely coming ie) sorry to all the male children of Melissa, Goo and Wooz but other times it comes like a thief in the night. I guess I'll have to do some research and see how far away science is from finding a cure. If worse comes to worse I can also see if there's a bald Bill Gates out there anywhere.
Walden week-end
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms"
- Walden by Henry David Thoreau

- Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Jordan and I had our own little Walden escape this past week-end. While my parents took Oliver and Benjamin, we stayed at a little cabin overlooking a river in the middle of the woods. There was no electricity and no running water.
The cabin, wood shed, playhouse and outhouse was built by a bunch of brothers and brother in laws who wanted to realize their father's vision of a humble retreat in this amazing spot.
They also set up a zip line

I loved how intimate living like that was. We were totally and completely in tune with the earth and it's realities. When it rained and thundered during the night, we heard it all clearly, felt the coolness of it, smelled the freshness of it. When the beavers were busy below at the river we could hear their efforts. When our own bellies needed food we took a gift of wood from the trees and made a fire to cook our food. One morning I felt especially chilly and started a fire in the little stove inside the cabin. I sat at the table beside the fire and felt like I was sitting with a best friend as it warmed and comforted me while I quietly sat, thought, read and wrote. For a few days we "reduced life to it's lowest terms" and consequently uncovered unity and beauty.
I loved how intimate living like that was. We were totally and completely in tune with the earth and it's realities. When it rained and thundered during the night, we heard it all clearly, felt the coolness of it, smelled the freshness of it. When the beavers were busy below at the river we could hear their efforts. When our own bellies needed food we took a gift of wood from the trees and made a fire to cook our food. One morning I felt especially chilly and started a fire in the little stove inside the cabin. I sat at the table beside the fire and felt like I was sitting with a best friend as it warmed and comforted me while I quietly sat, thought, read and wrote. For a few days we "reduced life to it's lowest terms" and consequently uncovered unity and beauty.
Film Fest
As part 3 of my summer saga with Beej and Rach: The FILM FEST! Here's the winning entry...
'Jane Austen's Fight Club'
Spence and I also contributed this video, 'All You Need is a Good Training Montage'
The initial idea was by Spence, and it features the talents of Rach, Hailey (our roommate,) and would have been Beej playing the lead but he was busy reading his iphone (J.K.)... Meliss also took a look and contributed some editing ideas! Thanks guys!!
Here's a pic from the evening:
'Jane Austen's Fight Club'
Spence and I also contributed this video, 'All You Need is a Good Training Montage'
The initial idea was by Spence, and it features the talents of Rach, Hailey (our roommate,) and would have been Beej playing the lead but he was busy reading his iphone (J.K.)... Meliss also took a look and contributed some editing ideas! Thanks guys!!
Here's a pic from the evening:
Monday, July 26, 2010
Work vs. Play
So after finishing the Count of Monte Cristo and an Agatha Christie novel I am now reading Tom Sawyer I fine fine piece of work. One of interesting ideas that Twain expresses is the difference between what is work and what is play. It is not the nature of the activity, the time, or the effort but rather work is what we are obligated to do and play is everything we are not. For example, people climb mountains for fun, they volunteer but they enjoy it because it is not work.
In the book Tom Sawyer makes painting a fence play by convincing other boys that they can not paint the fence as good as he can thus tricking the other boys into "proving" that they are better painters. I remember trying similar tricks with friends and younger siblings with varying degree of success. I've often tried to get out of work by tricking others now I would like to discover a way to trick myself into making work play and not work.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
57 years ago on the windswept plains of Mandan, ND. a baby girl passed from the pre-existence into mortality. Nourished by the love of her family she grew into the wonderful woman we know simply as Nana - but also as Nano, Coleen, Coco, Lou, Mom, Mama and Mama Bear.
Each of these nicknames shows a different part of Nana's personality and her roles. One of her greatest traits is her kind, generous and self-sacrificing nature. Often she allows her concern about meeting others needs to interfere with her own needs. Our neighbor always says this about Nano - 'She's ALWAYS doing something for someone else. I don't know how she does it.' This past year has been very busy for Coleen. She has organized dozens of meetings (film club, book club, NCL, building contractors, etc.), meals, parties, hiking excursions, and fun times of all kinds for everyone she knows. Nano loves hosting, and our home has been a bed and breakfast to many in the past and hopefully many in the future. Her skill in organizing and working through details has led to her two demanding callings in the Mercer Island ward as Activities Chair and Music Chair, and her skills have been appreciated by all. The Christmas programs have been legendary!
In addition, she has operated a small travel agency for the family, scheduling travel and accommodation for all the comings and goings of our far flung group.
Nano's greatest focus and her life's work is her family - a growing cast of characters big and small with varied wants and needs. Her greatest hope is that her family can be united in the home she left 57 years ago.
Nana has been a loving and devoted companion for 34 years. I am so proud of her and love her so much.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Cousin Camp 2010

Gramps and I feel very blessed to have such wonderful little boys in our lives.....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
House Hunting
I love this picture. It nicely encapsulates my hopes and unrealistic wishes for a dream home. Our own house hunting has been decidedly less optimistic. That said, we've recently take a new approach. In addition to entering into a short term lease for a home in our current ward (with less living space but a huge yard), we have decided to look at every community within a 25 mile radius of my office. We've narrowed things down considerably based on schools, affordability, etc., but its still quite a list. We took a tour of South Bay on Sunday evening and enjoyed ourselves. Something romantic about living in a community with "Beach" in its name (Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo being candidates). We're pretty skeptical of it all at this point, but part of me just can't let go of the thought that we'll pull over a hill or around a corner on one of these trips and find our perfect piece of the American dream!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ben'n Jerry's- the Next Generation
Sunday, July 18, 2010
iPhone apps and the Count of Monte Cristo
So Rico and I have exchanged phones while he is in Edmonton and I am in Los Angeles and I definitely got the better trade. I now have his iPhone while he has my piece of junk Nokia500 whatever. I have had lots of fun fiddlin with all the apps this thing has normally I am slow with technology but I think I am beginning to understand the iPhone.
One of the apps that I have truly enjoyed is called masterpieces because it has classic works of literature such as works by Twain, London, the Sherlock Holmes books, HG Wells, Verne etc. And it also has the Count of Monte Cristo.
It has been a goal of mine for a long time to read this book and it is quite spectacular. While at the YSA film festival and talking to a friend of Lindsays about it I realized just how much I am loving this book. It has all the elements of what I enjoy swashbucklin escapes, fighting, witty dialogue a la Jane Austen, philosophy (Dumas was french after all and the french do love their philosophy) that examines human nature, well structured character development oh and it's a great plot. I must confess that it is sooooo long and there are many subplots that tie into the main plot but are not entirely necessary.
The problem is that with the iPhone I can now access the book anywhere and it is so convenient because I don't have to lug this huge book around. It has also become acceptable in our society to use the iphone in many different situations, at work, at lunch, at church (controversial), walking, sitting, reading, eating so yeah as you can tell this new masterpieces app I have sorta become one of those tools who is really annoying and uses their phone everywhere but the book is so good and I'm reading what I can at every opportunity. Hopefully after I'm finished the Count of Monte Cristo I can exercise a little self-control and hopefully they don't come out with a masterpieces II which I'm sure they will because I'm already fairly confident that I will be getting an iphone for myself at the earliest opportunity.
Internship/Volunteering at Cedars-Sinai

I decided to come to LA this summer not only to hang out with Linds, Beej, and Puentes, which of course is a good enough reason in itself, but also to get a volunteer position at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center! Cedars is famed as one of the most prominent hospitals in the country, (maybe even the world), and it is also the choice hospital of many celebrities. I haven't seen any yet, but even if I did I wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone. The volunteer coordinators emphasized confidentiality especially strongly during orientation. The departments I was lucky enough to find a place in were the NICU for three days a week and the neurosurgery department for the other two days a week. I don't seem to be doing a ton of volunteer work, mainly I just get to shadow the physicians. In neurosurgery, I help with office work for part of the time, which consists of mailing off patient's medical imaging scans back to them. Then I shadow Dr. Danielpour, the pediatric neurosurgeon, as he visits patients in the clinic. Most of the cases he deals with are hydrocephalus shunts but there a wide range of interesting cases.
In the NICU, I go on rounds with the attending physician and the residents, which is actually really cool because I get to see how things start out once you become a resident. The residents are all really friendly and helpful whenever I have questions about anything. We end up rounding for about 2 hours, visiting all the babies that are assigned to their team. All the cases are really sad, as these babies have a lot of problems, but it's cool to see how the residents solve the problems and seek help from Dr. Puri, who has been their attending physician these last couple weeks. After rounds, there are usually lectures for the residents with different NICU/pediatric themes that I go to as well. Other random things I've been able to do are watch a procedure to deal with a pneumothorax, observe a C-section, and learn what to do in a code blue situation by role-playing. It's been a lot of fun so far! I'm really glad I was able to get these positions. Even though a lot of it is over my head, I've learned a lot and hope to continue learning over these next few weeks.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
World Cup Pool Winner

So the world cup is now unfortunately over. Thanks to everyone for submitting their picks - it has been great fun following the tournament and following the teams that we picked to advance. Fun even for those of us that picked a lame duck to win the tournament that ended up only scraping into the round of 16. It was a tournament of surprises and upsets (who ever would have guessed for example that Urugay would make it all the way into the semi-finals and miss out on the finals by a mere goal) and also a tournament where several young players players played surprisingly well and several old seasoned stars played surprisingly poorly.
So the final results of the pool are:
First place: with 395 points and the only player to correctly predict Spain to win the tournament, Beej
Second Place with 315 points is Mom
and congrats to both for strong finishes. Beej will now get a special package of goodies with a Spanish theme to it as first prize and Mom will get ... well I guess we never decided what second place will be did we? I suppose a not-so-grand package with a German theme to it as Mom picked Germany to win and although they didn't end up winning she couldn't have done it without all those points Germany gave her for at least going to the semi-finals.
Hope everyone got at least a little bit of world cup fever over the last month and is looking forward to our next pool which we'll have to arrange when the next world cup takes place in 2014 in Brazil.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
World Cup Soccer!!!!!
So the world cup has been amazing. I've realized now that the past three world cups I've found time to watch a substantial number of the games. Korea in 2002 was a little tough because the games started at like 5:30 but it was great because it was right before I went to university and I wasn't working so I had the time. I watched Germany's games religiously as they rolled Saudi Arabia 8-0 even ancient strikers like Bierhoff were getting in on the action in that game. I also remember the memorable game in the quarters against USA where US fans to this day swear that Frings robbed the US of a goal with a handball on the goal line which remains controversial to this day. I also remember the heartbreak when Oliver Kahn the German keeper and Captain who had played AMAZING let in two soft goals against the fat old and extremely annoying (but still surprisingly agile and quick) Ronaldo. After that Germany had another great run in 2006 and another great run this year. As of 2006 I have also begun to follow the mexican side with great interest and hope taht they will do well.
Im not really sure if soccer has made me a better person per se or any thing like that but I know for sure that it is something that has helped me connect with people throughout the world which is something that hockey or other sports has not allowed me to. I hope that one day I will be able to cheer for Canada. Something interesting about the German team this year is that they have 11 players that were either born or have significant roots (raised or parents) from other countries such as Poland but also Brazil, Ghana, Turkey, Argentina Tunisia and others including key players such as Podolski, Klose, Cacoa. I'm hoping that Canada will follow this model and import more players with last names like De Rosario so that one day probably not anytime soon but one day before I die Canada just might make it to the World Cup ....... and not lose every game. In honour of this dream I have posted a current picture of the Canadian national soccer team. Notice the large contingent of "decidedly not white" players as well as the decidely "not originally from Canada" looking players to which I say come come and bring your friends
Friday, July 9, 2010
Ethiopian Food!
There is a whole row of delicious restaurants here in Little Ethiopia, and we tried one of them out tonight! It was fun to eat Ethiopian style, with our hands, and taste a different cuisine. We ordered the big sampler platter. They bring out this yummy spongy, flat bread that's kind of like crepes. You use it to pick up the tasty morsels of food: chicken, lamb, beef... veggies. It's really fun and quite good! I couldn't tell how much I ate though because we were all sharing. After all the jokes of scarcity, I think we were all pretty full when we left!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Behold The Lowly Tomato

As I've probably noted previously, we're growing a garden in our friends' yard. To make a long story short, this kind of sharecropping was necessary in our apartment dwelling life. It has been, mostly, a lovely experience. Both families labor and split the costs of the endeavor and share equally in the spoils.
I've spent a little more time in the garden this week with our friends and the rest of the Puentes all out of town. Our tomato plants are starting to fruit and what a terrific variety of colors and shapes we've got going. I harvested a handful of the first fruits yesterday. I didn't think much of it until I got home, but decided to make a simple Caprese salad (tomatoes, mozarella and basil, lightly dressed with olive oil, salt and pepper). It was indescribably good, better than any salad I've had at fine restaurants. It is just one of the many transcendent experiences I've had in that garden over the last few months.
Not to complain about this modern world of ours, with so many blessings and benefits, but I feel sad that so few have the experience of a garden. Of the miracle of watching things grow and of tasting of the direct fruits of our labor. For me, a garden is a real testimony builder. I thought I'd see if anyone else out there felt the same. A google search for "god" and "tomato" yielded this result:
“Behold, the lowly tomato, token of God’s goodness, sign of his love and favor!” And thus our kids were introduced verbally to this dazzling, created order.
They were introduced much earlier with catechism questions:
Q. Who made you?
A. God made me.
Q. What else did God make?
A. God made all things.
Q. Why did God make you and all things?
A. For his own glory.
But, “Behold, the lowly tomato” was tangible, it was red, and juicy and sweet. And I hope they’ll always remember the tomato, token of God’s love and goodness. http://beholdthelowlytomato.wordpress.com/2008/04/16/why-the-lowly-tomato/
I couldn't have put it better my self.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The New World And The World Cup
John and I went to a sports bar for lunch today to catch the game. It was a blast! We were both rooting for our respective ancestral teams (John for Germany and me for Spain) even though it went counter to our picks (of course, my hopes of catching up to Nana were minimal to begin with). It occurred to me that the Puente boys have family ties with 3 out of 4 of the semi-finalists. The Spanish and German relationships are obvious. Additionally my great-grandfather was half Dutch. I love family history and its been really fun to have a bit more of tie to this years world cup than in years past.
Mom takes sole possession of the lead in world cup pool
The quarterfinals of the world cup are now finished and now taking sole possession of first place is Mom!
The leaderboard after the quarterfinals are:
1. Mom 315 points (2 teams remaining)
2. Beej 305 points (2 teams remaining
3. Ian (tie) 280 points (2 teams remaining)
3. Rico (tie) 280 points (1 team remaining)
5. Woozie 265 points (1 team remaining)
6-10 place finishers (including me arrgh!) only have 0 or 1 team remaining and have picked winners who are already out so will most certainly not win the pool!)
The second game of the semi-finals is today and after that we will have a better idea of who will win. This much I will reveal ... two of the top finishers have picked Germany to win and one has picked Spain to win so a lot of it will come down to who actually picks the correct winner.
Hopefully everyone will be able to watch some of the semi-finals and finals which I'm hoping will be good games.
The leaderboard after the quarterfinals are:
1. Mom 315 points (2 teams remaining)
2. Beej 305 points (2 teams remaining
3. Ian (tie) 280 points (2 teams remaining)
3. Rico (tie) 280 points (1 team remaining)
5. Woozie 265 points (1 team remaining)
6-10 place finishers (including me arrgh!) only have 0 or 1 team remaining and have picked winners who are already out so will most certainly not win the pool!)
The second game of the semi-finals is today and after that we will have a better idea of who will win. This much I will reveal ... two of the top finishers have picked Germany to win and one has picked Spain to win so a lot of it will come down to who actually picks the correct winner.
Hopefully everyone will be able to watch some of the semi-finals and finals which I'm hoping will be good games.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Canada Day Party
This week it was a blast celebrating two countries' birthdays. Spence, Beej, and a few other friends came over on Canada Day to join Rach and I and our roommates for a Canada day party! We enjoyed some delicious strawberry shortcake which Rach had made to perfection! We watched 'I Am Canadian,' (which is a beer commercial, but still a good poem.) We looked at and played with my canadian coin collection and canadian stamps. We also talked about what we like about Canada. The mountains, clean air, and people!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!

I realize that we are a mixed nationality family and that many of you are in Canada today. That said, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. For the food, the fireworks and for what we're celebrating. We enjoy unprecedented freedoms in this day and age, in many countries. But much of what is now taken for granted in the western world started here. I'm grateful to those men and women who fought to promote liberty and freedom and to those, through the years, who have continued that fight. May we all, regardless of country, have a lovely Independence Day!
Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty. ~Louis D. Brandeis
America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral fact - the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality. ~Adlai Stevenson
You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. ~Erma Bombeck
Friday, July 2, 2010
Enchanted evenings

One of the advantages of living far north is that the days in June are incredibly long - still twilight past 11 PM. The evenings are my favorite time. On a warm windless day, it stays warm in the evening, and it is great to sit outside and enjoy the scenery as the sun slowly goes down, and the soft light gives everything a red or yellow hue.
Jord and Char invited us for a wiener roast on just such an evening - great food and great company. Thanks, guys.
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