So after finishing the Count of Monte Cristo and an Agatha Christie novel I am now reading Tom Sawyer I fine fine piece of work. One of interesting ideas that Twain expresses is the difference between what is work and what is play. It is not the nature of the activity, the time, or the effort but rather work is what we are obligated to do and play is everything we are not. For example, people climb mountains for fun, they volunteer but they enjoy it because it is not work.
In the book Tom Sawyer makes painting a fence play by convincing other boys that they can not paint the fence as good as he can thus tricking the other boys into "proving" that they are better painters. I remember trying similar tricks with friends and younger siblings with varying degree of success. I've often tried to get out of work by tricking others now I would like to discover a way to trick myself into making work play and not work.
Jaima says 'when you discover that trick let us all know' and Jeff says - 'Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.'
And Momma says - you always find the fun in everything you do Beej
Another insight from Jeff -Tom Sawyers gift for persuasion is your gift too Beej- works well in a court of law.
Good insights, beej. The classics are good for you - stirring up the grey matter. By the way, your piece of junk Nokia is still turning itself off. It's made it impossible for rico to set up any dates.
If Grampa's comment about the piece of junk Nokia is puzzling, then by all means refer to John's previous post - five posts back - which just showed up now due to technical difficulties...
Rico's current social calendar can only be blamed on Nokia..
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