So the world cup is now unfortunately over. Thanks to everyone for submitting their picks - it has been great fun following the tournament and following the teams that we picked to advance. Fun even for those of us that picked a lame duck to win the tournament that ended up only scraping into the round of 16. It was a tournament of surprises and upsets (who ever would have guessed for example that Urugay would make it all the way into the semi-finals and miss out on the finals by a mere goal) and also a tournament where several young players players played surprisingly well and several old seasoned stars played surprisingly poorly.
So the final results of the pool are:
First place: with 395 points and the only player to correctly predict Spain to win the tournament, Beej
Second Place with 315 points is Mom
and congrats to both for strong finishes. Beej will now get a special package of goodies with a Spanish theme to it as first prize and Mom will get ... well I guess we never decided what second place will be did we? I suppose a not-so-grand package with a German theme to it as Mom picked Germany to win and although they didn't end up winning she couldn't have done it without all those points Germany gave her for at least going to the semi-finals.
Hope everyone got at least a little bit of world cup fever over the last month and is looking forward to our next pool which we'll have to arrange when the next world cup takes place in 2014 in Brazil.
La Furia Roja! Good pick Beej! I was also cheering for Spain. Sad that it will be another 4 years before we can watch world cup soccer again. It was fun to watch USA/Ghana with so many of you at Youngs!
Thanks Jordan! It was great to have a little more skin in the game this time around. I'm now aiming to take the boys down to Brazil in 2014.
Thanks Jord for setting things up so we could all be a part of world cup fever! It was a lot of fun.
Ian and Melissa- what was the name of that delish tapas place in LA that you took me to a while back? I'm donating my second place prize so that Beej will receive a gift certificate for TWO for tapas :)
A proposition let's do the pool again in Brazil. I plan to forego marriage for the next 4 years to be able to make the trip to Brazil then I will get married before I age out of the YSA any takers besides Ian?
this was fun! We'll have to do it again... Ian said he will not be held responsible for standing in the way of you getting married Beej!!
Good work on the pool, Jord. Beej that's the feeblest excuse I can remember for not getting married. I'm sure your wife would love to visit Rio with you.
Perhaps Beej should go to Brazil again and this time maybe we should up the stakes a little bit -if he doesn't successfully defend his title of family world cup champion he will be forced to come back .... with a Brazilian wife... on the other hand I'm not sure what prize we could offer if he wins again though, immunity from marriage until 2018 wouldn't seem to work as well on the reverse side of things
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