So Rico and I have exchanged phones while he is in Edmonton and I am in Los Angeles and I definitely got the better trade. I now have his iPhone while he has my piece of junk Nokia500 whatever. I have had lots of fun fiddlin with all the apps this thing has normally I am slow with technology but I think I am beginning to understand the iPhone.
One of the apps that I have truly enjoyed is called masterpieces because it has classic works of literature such as works by Twain, London, the Sherlock Holmes books, HG Wells, Verne etc. And it also has the Count of Monte Cristo.
It has been a goal of mine for a long time to read this book and it is quite spectacular. While at the YSA film festival and talking to a friend of Lindsays about it I realized just how much I am loving this book. It has all the elements of what I enjoy swashbucklin escapes, fighting, witty dialogue a la Jane Austen, philosophy (Dumas was french after all and the french do love their philosophy) that examines human nature, well structured character development oh and it's a great plot. I must confess that it is sooooo long and there are many subplots that tie into the main plot but are not entirely necessary.
The problem is that with the iPhone I can now access the book anywhere and it is so convenient because I don't have to lug this huge book around. It has also become acceptable in our society to use the iphone in many different situations, at work, at lunch, at church (controversial), walking, sitting, reading, eating so yeah as you can tell this new masterpieces app I have sorta become one of those tools who is really annoying and uses their phone everywhere but the book is so good and I'm reading what I can at every opportunity. Hopefully after I'm finished the Count of Monte Cristo I can exercise a little self-control and hopefully they don't come out with a masterpieces II which I'm sure they will because I'm already fairly confident that I will be getting an iphone for myself at the earliest opportunity.
What I loved about that book Beej was how the Abbe Faria kept his mind alert by continually considering the time when he would be free. I recall how he marked time, how he plotted and planned and then how he shared it all with Edmond. And though I really found the name Mercedes fascinating in the story, I did not connect her name with our firstborn.
PS my favorite app is "imapmy run" which tracks where I walk, how fast I went, and how long I went.
What I find my Iphone especially useful for is calendaring all my dates and social obligations :)
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