When we got home this afternoon, Oliver had ice cream all over his face and hands. And as soon as I got him wiped off I turned a movie on and we snuggled together on the couch. The reason for my pampering involves a broken guitar string, an electrical socket and an irrepressible curiosity to know what happens if I stick this in here....
As I approached the front desk of the Medi Centre, Oliver was waving his electrical burns in the air and complaining of both the pain he felt and the fact that he wanted to sit up on the desk. I had my arms full of Benjamin and was still feeling like a terrible mother for not having all the electrical outlets in the house covered up. I was upset to say the least.
Enter beautiful angel.
This older woman jumped up, gently grabbed Oliver and sat him up on the desk. She smiled a refreshing smile and told Oliver how he was going to be just fine. She continued to stay with us until we were directed to the doctor's room which she carried Oliver to. I was so overcome with gratitude for this woman who just jumped into my life, and who sensitively responded to a situation which was greatly improved because she acted. It may not seem like that was a big deal, but it was to me. I always find kindness and random acts of generosity, like spotting a deer in the forest, breathtaking.
I've had angels pop up in my life too. They're there when you most need them and you never forget them.
I'm sure the experience was almost as traumatic for you as it was for Oliver. Hugs to both of you - and to the 'older woman' with wings.
xo Nan
There is hope for the human race as long as there are people who step up and help when needed. Sad to say, sometimes people outside of the church are more in tune with the spirit than those of us who have the gift of the Holy Ghost.
My goodness! I'm glad Oliver is OK and that there was such a nice lady to help you out. I know I've met people like that and am always grateful for their help.
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